
Showing posts from June, 2024


Ten quotes from the Bhagavad Gita were selected for one-hour guided contemplative practice by secondary students to find their impact on the students in terms of perceived enhancement in self-awareness competency as a part of life skills education. TEN QUOTES  There are three gates leading to the hell of self-destruction for the soul — lust, anger, and greed. Those who are free from anger and all material desires, who are self-realized, self-disciplined, and constantly endeavouring for perfection, are assured of liberation in the Supreme. For one who has conquered his mind, a mind is best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, a mind is the greatest enemy. One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain, and in honor and dishonour He who has no attachments can really love others, for his love is pure and divine You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your action As the ignorant perfor


  1st Chapter: Arjuna Vishāda Yoga Cause of dilemmas Is the transient physical world Perceived as real *** 2nd Chapter: Sāṅkhya Yoga Non-physical self That's humans' true reality - Antidote to strife *** 3rd Chapter: Karma Yoga Perform actions With a detached state of mind Deem it true homa *** 4th Chapter: Jñāna Yoga Brace renunciation Deem yourself actions' medium Shun dualities   *** 5th Chapter: Sannyāsa Yoga Simple, minimal - Ready to renounce world To seek self-knowledge *** 6th Chapter: Dhyāna Yoga: Attain calm-n-still mind Meditate, and self-reflect Restrain mind, senses

Be a seer , unattached witness, to your thoughts and feelings: Quotes and inspired haiku

  SEER QUOTES We are not victims of aging, sickness and death. These are part of scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being. ~ Deepak Chopra The consciousness of the seer, is a greater power for knowledge than the consciousness of the thinker. The perceptual power of the inner sight is greater and more direct than the perceptual power of thought. ~ Sri Aurobindo I am here to enjoy life. I am not here to suffer. I am here to be a dreamer, to be an artist, to be a seer. The mission of my life is to enjoy every single moment of my life. ~ Miguel Angel Ruiz I personally don't subscribe to any particular cosmology or belief system. I'm a seer. ~ Frederick Lenz “Don’t think; look!” It calls us to a perception of the intelligence beyond thought. We may well say that Yoga is for the purpose of cultivating direct seeing, without imaginings. ~ J Krishnamurti  INSPIRED HAIKU Be neutral witness Everything i

Mindful eating makes meal a medicine to heal: Quotes and inspired haiku

  QUOTES ON MINDFUL EATING Mindful eating is about awareness. When you eat mindfully, you slow down, pay attention to food you're eating, and savour every bite. ~ Susan Albers Mindful eating (intuitive eating) is an awareness and appreciation that nourishes not only our body, but also our spirit, and opens the door to appreciating life. Eating well is a form of self respect ~ Molly LeGay Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~ Buddha INSPIRED HAIKU Pay full attention To what you eat in your meals - Savor each small bite! *** Make eating mindful Chew each bite till semi-liquid To flow down the throat *** pray before eating Practice three-some unity - food-foodie-feeding ***  Slow mindful eating- Enhances self-awareness Promotes contentment *** Mindful bite control With slow, conscious eating Is divine practice

Understanding true purpose of prayer: Quotes, inspired haiku and adapted vedic universal prayer

  QUOTES ON PRAYER Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart. ~Mahatma Gandhi The Simple Path / Silence is Prayer / Prayer is Faith / Faith is Love / Love is Service / The Fruit of Service is Peace. ~ Mother Teresa In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.  ~ John Bunya The Ego is a veil between humans and God. In prayer all are equal. ~ Rumi Perfect prayer does not consist in many words, silent remembering and pure intention raises the heart to that Supreme Power. ~ Amit Ray,   INSPIRED HAIKU Both, faith and prayer - They are inner solemn acts Done in solitude *** When down with despair Pray and reflect on true self - That’s pure awareness *** Be calm, read prayers Deep reflect on divine words Ponder on quietude   AN ADAPTED UNIVERSAL PRAYER Here is an adapted short prayer from the w


The birth anniversary of Sant Kabir, popularly known as Kabir Jayanti, is celebrated by the followers on Jyeshtha Purnima as per Hindu lunar calendar. In 2024, the observance falls on June 22. He was great spiritualist, seeker, saint, social reformers and poet of 16th Century and his work has been incorporated in  Holy Sikh scripture Sri Guru Granth Sahibji. He is regarded a lead saint of Bhakti Movement of India who believed in purification of mind as the first and foremost duty of human being to lead a devotional life. KABIR QUOTES Just throw away all thoughts of imaginary things, and stand firm in that which you are. Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. The one no one talks of speaks the secret sound to himself, and he is the one who has made it all. Life - the veil that obscures the heart, and there you will find what you are looking for. If you cannot understand something, then you have understood it incorrectly. Only they are pure who’ve completely

Know non-musical benefits of music this World Music Day

  World Music Day (Fête de la Musique)  is observed on June 21 every year and musicians of all gere are urged to perform on the streets and public places. Various music enthusiasts, musicians, rappers, folk artists and instrumentalists of all kinds collaborate to perform in open to highlight the importance of music in both as profession and to make daily life  enjoyable. In France, the observance is held with several thousand concerts with millions of amateur musicians and singers performing in public for the audience Even the non-music use of music has many benefit s -It improves memorisation -it improves attentiveness, patience and discipline -it improves mental health -it makes activities interesting -it provides phonological awareness -it mitigates speech defects -it entertains and relaxes to become a therapeutic device -it develops emotions and feelings by activating right hemisphere of brain -it build self-confidence and self-awareness of inner potential of singing -it improves o

Understand life: Micro-poems in Hindi

 जीवन-है  सम्यक-सांसारिक-ज्ञान, सम्यक-आत्मज्ञान, सम्यक-कार्यशैली -  ज्ञान-दर्शन-चरित्र  समष्टी  *** दोषपूर्ण  सांसारिक-ज्ञान, जगाता-है  इच्छाएं, आकांक्षाएं,  अहंकार  *** दोषपूर्ण  आत्मज्ञान, जगाता-है  पाखंड,  रीति, रिवाज  *** दोषपूर्ण  चरित्र जगाता-है  मन-के विषय विकार  ***

दिव्यता जगाओ, मोक्ष पाओ: सूक्ष्म कविताएं

  दिव्यता जगाओ, मोक्ष पाओ: सूक्ष्म कविताएं  सूक्ष्म कविताएं  जन्म-है  ब्रह्म-का विस्तार  मृत्यु-है कामना-का विस्तार  *** हो-जाओ  कामना-शून्य, निष्काम-कर्मी  करो-समाप्त जीवन-मरण चक्र  *** ब्रह्म - अव्यक्त-है, अव्यय-है, दिव्य -है, अमर-है, सर्व-व्याप्त-है  ** त्याग-दो  भौतिकता, अहंकार  शुद्ध-बनो, दिव्य-बनो, मुमुक्षु-बनो


WELLNESS QUOTES Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live  ~ Jim Rohn Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ~ World Health Organisation Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. ~ B.K.S. Iyengar Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being. ~ Greg Anderson WELLBEING ACROSTIC   W: Wholesomeness in life with kept physical, mental, emotional and social health  E: Emotions that are positive such as self-satisfaction, contentment and happiness L: Life fulfilled with optimism, resilience, flow and let go L: Liveliness, enthusiasm and energy at work and daily life by being non-reactive and working with a sense of equanimity and steadfastness B: Being in state of existence with positive , supportive and empathetic relations and having a s

Consumerism: Negative quotes and haiku

  Consumerism:Negative quotes We live in an era of consumerism and it's all about desire-based consumerism and it has nothing to do with things we actually need. ~ Aloe Blacc We live in a society that, for the most part, is morally and spiritually bankrupt. Our culture is a culture of consumerism. How sustainable is that?  ~Benjamin Bratt Ecological thought rejects consumerism at its peril. ~ Timothy Morton If you live for having it all, what you have is never enough. ~ Vicki Robin Our culture has bred consumers and addicts. We eat too much, buy too much, and want too much. We set ourselves on the fruitless mission of filling the gaping hole within us with material things. ~ Vironika Tugaleva The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race…   It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate.   Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.” ~Stephen Hawking 


  SPIRITUALITY ACROSTIC   S: Study of one’s own True Nature, Self or Soul P: Precept of Existential Truth that is eternal, timeless, formless and all pervading I: Inquiry into non-physical, non-sensual aspect of life leading self-realization R: Reality being non-physical is to be experienced and realized I: Inner journey by withdrawing from the o uter physical-sensual world that is transient hence false T: Truth manifests when mind is free from desires of sense objects U: Ultimate human intelligence that is innate and meant to awakened by self-on-self acts A: Attaining spontaneity through deep practice of meditation, self-reflection and contemplation L: Life’s ultimate purpose to be explored that is beyond beyond body-senses-mind confines I: Invoking inner consciousness and unifying it with supreme consciousness which is ultimate creative force of cosmos and individual consciousness T: Treating outer physical-sensual world or materialism as transient and hence false to b


QUOTES ON HATE   Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. ~  Martin Luther King Jr If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate. ~ C. JoyBell C. From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate. ~ Socrates The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity. ~ George Bernard Shaw Hate is self-destructive. If you hate somebody, you're not hurting the person you hate. You're hurting yourself. And that's a healing. Actually, it's a real healing, forgiveness. ~ Louis Zamperini INSPIRED HAIKU   Devoid mind of hate For pious love to manifest - De-condition mind! *** Forgive and forget To gain real vision of life - Hate blurs one's


 ECOSOPHY QUOTES By an ecosophy I mean a philosophy of ecological harmony or equilibrium. A philosophy as a kind of sofia (or) wisdom, is openly normative, it contains both norms, rules, postulates, value priority announcements and hypotheses concerning the state of affairs in our universe. Wisdom is policy wisdom, prescription, not only scientific description and prediction. The details of an ecosophy will show many variations due to significant differences concerning not only the ‘facts’ of pollution, resources, population, etc. but also value priorities. ~ Arne Naess Much more than a simple ecology, ecosophy is a wisdom-spirituality of the earth. ‘The new balance’ is not so much between man and Earth, but between matter and spirit, between spatio-temporality and consciousness. Ecosophy is not simply a ‘science of the earth’ (ecology) and even ‘wisdom on earth,’ but the ‘wisdom of the earth itself’ that occurs when a man knows how to listen with love. ~Raimon Pannikar Quality of li


QUOTES ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sustainable development may be a development that meets the requirements of this without compromising the power of future generations to satisfy their own needs. ~Gro Harlem Brundtland Without environmental sustainability, economic stability and social cohesion can’t be achieved ~ Phil Harding Sustainable development: Meeting present needs without compromising the stock of natural resources remaining for future generations. In terms of buildings, it implies  You never change things by fighting the prevailing reality. to vary something, build a replacement model that creates the prevailing model obsolete. ~ R. Fuller Sustainable development and global climate change are two sides of an equivalent coin ~ Ban Ki-moon ABCs OF ESD A: Attitudes, values, knowledge, and skills development at individual and collective levels to improve the quality of life without damaging the planet anymore and reversing the damage already done B: Basing multi-disciplinary educ


  QUOTES ON LAW OF KARMA A situation is a sort of natural justice, and natural justice is meant for our development and not for our destruction. ~ Swami Sharnanand As she has planted, so does she harvest; such is the field of karma. ~ Sri Guru Granth Sahib Before you act, you have freedom; but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda Conscious action does not produce karma - reaction does.   ~ Sadhguru Consider intentions carefully. Karma gives a damn about ego, awards allegiance to none, and its justice is truly blind. ~ T.F. Hodg Karma will forgive your shortcomings not your sins. ~ Amit Kalantri One should, perform karma with nonchalance without expecting the benefits because sooner of later one shall definitely gets the fruits. ~ Rig Veda Stop blaming others for the pains and sufferings you have. They are because of you, your karma, and your own disposition. ~ Girdhar Joshi

Quotes on 'Know Thyself Precept' and inspired haiku

  QUOTES ON SELF-KNOWLEDGE He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.   ~ Lao Tzu Of everything He is the inmost Self. He is the truth; He is the Self Supreme. ~Chandogya Upanishad The first thing you have to know is yourself. A man who knows himself can step outside himself and watch his own reactions like an observer. ~ Adam Smith, Through self-knowledge or Vidya one obtains immortality. ~ Kenopanishad What is the great mistake it is that man does not know his own self? He should obtain the knowledge about the jeevatma - soul within body - with the help of capability of language and literature etc.   The main cause of unhappiness and sorrow is ignorance. ~ Rigveda Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world. ~ Ramana Maharshi INSPIRED HAIKU Truth’s – Collective name / Truth or God’s generic name / That’s all inclusive *** Truth – being inclusive / Unites cosmos as one Whole / That’s timeless ever ***

साक्षी भाव में सहजता आनन्दमय कोश उपलब्ध कराती है : सूक्ष्म कविताएं

सूक्ष्म कविताएं  चञ्चल-मन-को   एकाग्र-करो,    चिन्तनशील-बनाओ  मन-को   बुद्धि-में   बदलो  *** बुद्धि-को  साकारात्मक-बनाओ,    विवेकशील-बनाओ  मननशील-बनाओ,,     विकार-मुक्त-बनाओ ,,    सृजनशील-बनाओ *** विवेक-को  साक्षी -बनाओ,    विदेही-बनाओ  आत्मा    जागृत   हो-जाएगी  *** साक्षीभाव-का  अभ्यास-करो, सहज-हो-जाओ  परमानन्द, मोक्ष पा-जाओ-गे 

सात्विक भोजन एवं काया निरोध - आत्म-ज्ञान की पूर्व शर्त: सूक्ष्म कविताएं

  सूक्ष्म कविताएं     काया – स्थूल - अस्तित्व , कर्म - माध्यम   - खलु धर्म साधनम् *** चञ्चल - काया - का निरोध - करो , शुद्धिकरण - करो सुखभोग , इन्द्रिय - तुष्टि   न्युनतम - करो *** शुद्ध - सात्विक भोजन - करो , उपवास - करो अन्नमय कोष जगाओ *** ब्रह्मवेला - उठो योग - करो , प्राणायाम - करो काया - की भाषा - समझो *** स्व - अनुशासित - बनो , संयमी - बनो , संस्कारी - बनो   आत्म - ज्ञान संभव बनाओ

मन, इन्द्रियों एवं काया का निग्रह जीवन लक्ष्य: सूक्ष्म कविताएं

  सूक्ष्म कविताएं  चंचल-मन  विकारों-से-युक्त मन,    विषयों-में-लिप्त-मन  इच्छाओं-का,    दुखों-का    जनक-है  *** काया  कर्म-करे,   चालें-चले  मन-की    इच्छाओं-की    पूर्ति-वास्ते  *** तामसिक-मन  सुखभोगी    काया  देते-विकार, देते-पाप,   देते-संताप *** बनो-सरल  बनो-सहज   बनो-शुद्ध-बुद्ध  विषय-हताओ,   विकार-हटाओ,   विवेक जगाओ  

शिक्षा और विद्या में संतुलन लाओ: सूक्ष्म कविताएं

सूक्ष्म कविताएं     जीवन   - आत्मज्ञान    औ `- भौतिकता मुक्ति - व - मायापाश - के    बीच     संघर्ष - है l *** भौतिकता जन्म - से - ही    सक्रिय - है लालन - पालन ,    शिक्षा      मायावी - हैं l *** बाजार - व्यापार - ने , स्पर्धाओं - ने    आत्मज्ञान - की चिंगारी - को    ढक     दिया - है l *** शिक्षा - को आत्मज्ञान - मुखी    बनाओ   कम - से - कम    संतुलन - तो    लाओ l *** विद्या -   आत्मज्ञान - की ,    आधिभौतिक - प्रतिभा - की     शिक्षा - में     अलख     जगाओ l

अनासक्त साक्षीभाव जीवन मोक्षदाता है: सूक्ष्म कविताएं

  सूक्ष्म कविताएं  आत्मा - अधिभौतिक, अजर-अमर - ज्ञान-से , दर्शन-से उद्घाटित  *** बाह्यता,  भौतिकता, इच्छाएं   अज्ञान-हैं, माया-हैं, मिथ्या-हैं  *** माया-के-प्रति  द्रष्टा-बनो, साक्षी-बनो - तटस्थ जीवन जीओ  *** जगाओ  अविनाभाव, एकत्व्भाव  ज्ञान-का, ज्ञाता-का, ज्ञेय-का  *** आभ्यास-करो  साक्षीभाव-का, समभाव-का  दर्शन-पाओ, परमानन्द-पाओ, मोक्ष-पाओ 


  BRIEF A case analysis in social sciences is a subjective study of challenges, problems, interplay of situational and behavioral dynamics of the case to propose viable solution with abductive reasoning for persuasive recommendations with rationale to implement the solution for producing the desired outcomes. ABCs of Case Analysis A: Analysis of a case, example or solution of a work-place problem or professional challenge by reviewing it thoroughly B: Background of the challenge, in-house discussion, discussions with stake-holders and chorology of the events are important activities C: Causative factors for the problem; barriers and lacking of competencies and resources and abductive reasoning are important aspects to be understood D: Development phases of the viable solution be studied to know that what does it entail to implement a solution and own it up E: Evaluation in terms of investments in terms of time, money, materials, humans resources 

Kurukshetra University to Host International Conference on “Security Dynamics, Climate Change And Sustainable Development In Indo-Pacific Region “

  Kukushetra University, Kukukshera,(KUK) in Haryana is going to host a three-day international conference on "Security Dynamics, Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Indo-Pacific Region" from on October 14-16, 2024. The conference is the third edition of the ‘International Conference of International Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies’ as the sponsors of the conference.   The conference has invited the abstracts and the papers on the following themes ·   Emerging trends in Indo-Pacific strategies at regional level and individual country’s perspective ·    India’s Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative (IPOP) and collective Multi-polar Security Architecture in IndoPacific ·    Global South and IORA’s outlook on Indo-Pacific ·   Developments in Indo-Pacific Economic Framework ·   Critical climate issues: Bio-diversity loss, ecosystems collapse and extreme weather events  Environmental problems in Indo-Pacific ·   Climate resilience activities in Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean Rese