Mindful eating makes meal a medicine to heal: Quotes and inspired haiku


  • Mindful eating is about awareness. When you eat mindfully, you slow down, pay attention to food you're eating, and savour every bite. ~ Susan Albers
  • Mindful eating (intuitive eating) is an awareness and appreciation that nourishes not only our body, but also our spirit, and opens the door to appreciating life.  ~ugottaeat.com
  • Eating well is a form of self respect ~ Molly LeGay
  • Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~ Buddha


Pay full attention

To what you eat in your meals -

Savor each small bite!


Make eating mindful

Chew each bite till semi-liquid

To flow down the throat


pray before eating

Practice three-some unity -



Slow mindful eating-

Enhances self-awareness

Promotes contentment


Mindful bite control

With slow, conscious eating

Is divine practice


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