The Vidya Bharati run Senior Secondary Girls Adarsh Vidya Mandir School, Jai Jawan Colony-3, Jaipur, enters the CASTME Award -2024 scheme through their innovative project report “ Initiating Pre-School Kids into Talking Science by Displaying and Demonstrating Sensory Development Activities at Annual Science Exhibition by Senior Students". The research report of the innovative STEM related project has been authored by Dr Lalit Kishore, who resides in the colony and is supporter of gender equity and inclusion in STEM education. “With the changed social context dominated by technology, there is a need that children are initiated into STEM education from an early age since a lot of incidental learning about technological devices is happening and children are getting exposed to internet and social media through handheld devices and designer toys. At the pre-primary level children must be taught speaking science and technology,” stated Dr Kishore. The rece...
The paper of jointly authoured by Dr Lalit Inshore and Subhash Chauhan (Ex-Raists) was accepted for the recently concluded 2-day seminar (Aug. 29-30, 2024) on “Vision 2047: Aligning SDGs with India’s Development Aspirations”.. The abstract of the paper “School Education for Sustainable Development with Micro-Credential Skilling Modules as Urged by National Education Policy-2020: Case of skilling Module Designing on Food Preservation for Grade Six Students” based on R & D research at Som Gurukul, Kurukshetra, was accepted under the theme 'Quality of Education' for the seminar. meant to be related to the aspects of innovation, curriculum, teaching methods and skill development Abstract The Framework of United Nation's Agenda-2030 for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - Goal 4 of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - prioritizes entrepreneurship, employment, and innovation as key policy direction towards inclusive, equitable and employability-oriented...
Intersection of the Bhagavad Gita and Sports Psychology through Gita Acrostic ~Lalit Kishore G :Gaining total control on sporting actions and skills by over-practicing to be able to perform mindfully and soulfully or intuitively I: Intuitive mindfulness and physical skills performance to be coordinated in unison and spotainity through over-learning or immersive learning T: Training and performance be holistically sound - inclusive of physical, mental and spiritual well being A: Applying trans-psychological concepts and techniques of the scripture to sports to enhance sports performance to the level of one's best with no stress or detached action
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