
Showing posts from August, 2024

Paper of Ex-Raist Teacher and Student Accepted for Two-day Seminar at Kurukshetra University

  The paper of jointly authoured by Dr Lalit Inshore and Subhash Chauhan (Ex-Raists) was accepted for the recently concluded 2-day seminar (Aug. 29-30, 2024) on “Vision 2047: Aligning SDGs with India’s Development Aspirations”.. The abstract of the paper “School Education for Sustainable Development with Micro-Credential Skilling Modules as Urged by National Education Policy-2020: Case of skilling Module Designing on Food Preservation for Grade Six Students” based on R & D research at Som Gurukul, Kurukshetra, was accepted under the theme 'Quality of Education' for the seminar. meant to be related to the aspects of innovation, curriculum, teaching methods and skill development Abstract The Framework of United Nation's Agenda-2030 for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - Goal 4 of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - prioritizes entrepreneurship, employment, and innovation as key policy direction towards inclusive, equitable and employability-oriented...

Implement physical intelligence based learning in schools for creating a sound mind in a sound body: An Acrostic on Physical Intelligence on National Sports Day

In India, National Sports Day is observed on August 29 every year to highlights the importance of sports and physical activities for overall health - physical, mental and spiritual health. The observance marks the birth anniversary of Indian hockey legend, Bharat Ratna Major Dhyan Chand, who was responsible in winning the Olympics Gold Medal for India consecutively. He was an active child interested in sports and had high Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence. His talent and the way of education did not match and he got pushed out the system by grade six. Later, he was of the view that education must adjust itself and accommodate  such children who are high on physical intelligence. On the National Sports Day-2004 here is acrostic as a message to the education system. AN ACROSTIC ON  " PHYSICAL"  CROSSED WITH  "INTELLIGENCE" P: Physical movements or body kinaesthetics used in cognitive tasks H: Hands-on experiences and performing actions used to grasp facts and concepts...

Understanding Emotional Intelligence: Acrostic on ‘EMOTIONAL’ crossed with ‘INTELLIGENCE’

  Understanding Emotional Intelligence: Acrostic on ‘EMOTIONAL’ crossed with ‘INTELLIGENCE’ ~Lalit Kishore ACROSTIC ON   CROSSED E & I E: Empathy fostering and kind loving attitude are the key to EI development M; Mind-set that is feelings-driven leading to pro-action for good-feel effect   and its therapeutic use O: Opting for appreciation for individual’s feelings and sentiments in a situation and mobilising positive psychology tenets T:   Training and education about feelings and emotions to manage them I: INTELLIGENCE in the ability to understand the level of understanding one’ cognitive function, primarily analysis and reflection for positivity and refinement of emotions O: opportunities for developing positivity based   feelings and emotions   for self-care and   self-improvement N: Notions about inclusion, equity and plurality or respect for diversity to be well understood that create pre-condition for empathy A: Affective...

Creating GIFs for classroom instruction to show the sequence and progression in animated form

GIF Stands for "Graphics Interchange Format" as an image file commonly used for images for their lossless compression to extend the learning. Teachers can incorporate GIfs into the classroom  teaching as they are quick to make and animate the visuals How to create animated GIFs on Android or smart phone Take any video on your Android and turn it into a small animated GIF by following the steps given below Step 1: Select Video Step 2: Choose the section of the video you want to make into an animated GIF. Step 3: Select the frames from the video you'd like to use and get their screen shots Step 4: Select four to six screen shots and operated the Gif option on smart phone Step 5: Preview, add text, and share your GIF with others and in the classroom for teachi   The inset GIF shows the tutorial on simple drawing steps using six flames

भोग और संग्रह त्याग बनाये निडर, सहज, सरल: हाइकु

  हाइकु : भोग-जगत - / धन-औ-वस्तु संग्रह - हैं रक्षा भ्रम *** जग जकडे / बनाए  ऐसा  दास / जो डरा-डरा *** भौतिक जीव  / बना मूढ, अज्ञानी / भूल आत्मा को  *** बन निडर  तज भोग, हो योगी  / हो आत्मा-स्तिथ *** तज संग्रह / हो सरल, सहज, / आत्म-निर्भर 

सफल जीवन, अन्तरंग जीवन: हाइकु

  हाइकु  सक्षम हम / आत्मज्ञान प्राप्ति में - / यही लक्ष्य है  *** बहिरंग है- / छल-वासना युक्त / जग आसुरी  *** बाह्य के प्रति  / धर लो साक्षी-भाव  / निर्लेप बनो  *** भोगी ना बनो - / अन्तरंग भाव जॆओ / हो शुद्ध-बुद्ध  *** सुप्त कलाएं - / जगाओ  - साधना करो  / भीतर मुडो   *** हो जाओ दिव्य  / बन के अन्तरंग  / आत्मा के संग  /

Enhance reading skill through creation of own web charts

  HAIKU ON READING TO LEARN SKILLS Words express thoughts In print or when verbalized   - Find what words convey   Read text silently To find out concepts and meaning And visualize   Acquire reading skills Hangle your text mindfully For meaning making   Identify nouns, Qualifying words and verbs too To make own web charts   Web-chats signify De-n-re-construction of text To unfold meaning   Hone read-to-learn skill Make you own page-wise web charts Link, verbs-nouns-fatures

Where will techology embedded life and learning lead us to? Quotes and Haiku

  QUOTES Technological progress merely provided us with efficient means of going backward ~ A Huxley Computers are useless. They can give you only answers. ~ Pablo Picasso Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born. - Alan Kay Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic. - Arthur C. Growth and comfort do not coexist.  - Ginni Rometty All of our technology is completely unnecessary to happy life ~ T. Hodykinson INSPIRED HAIKU In the tech rat race Reasoning gets defeated Hook-n-crook win the race *** Biases and falsehood Hard pushing - now're parts of life Ponzi e-commerce *** Life's tech-addicted Politics-n-economy  have made life ponzi *** Education's hope - Must make it equitable  Inclusive, thoughtful

जैन संदेश : हाइकु

  हाइकु : मन-कर्म से  / अहिंसा तप करो - / यही धर्म है  *** जग के सुख  / क्षणिक, अस्थिर  हैं  - / हिंसा-रूप हैं  *** आत्मिक बनो  / मन-संयम साधो  / हो शाकाहारी  *** हो रहन-सहन  // सरल , सहज, शुद्ध - / हिंसा त्याग दो !

आत्म-मित्र बनो , आत्म-कल्याण करो: हाइकु

 हाइकु:  आत्मिक बन / आत्म-बोध कर ले - / छोड  बाह्यता ! *** हो स्वतन्त्र - / समभाव  साध ले  / आनन्द पा ले  *** भटक मत  - / आत्मा-संगी  बन जी  / जग जाल है ! *** जीवन सत्य ! / हर स्थिती से परे  / द्वंदहीन है 

Crooning lullaby to the child: Importance and example

 IMPORTANCE: Teachers, parents and care givers  must croon lullabies for the little ones  to put them to sleep. You need no t have great voice   or training for singing for crooning lullabies, Further, you can create your own lullabies or modify the existing ones.   Crooning with little feeling is the easiest way to soothe a little child besides developing bonding experience between the adult and the child. A crooned lullaby works as an assurance  of adult’s love and affection for the baby.   Researchers and child psychologists have found that lullabies have soothing effect that  lowers the heart beat and respiration rate, of the child and creates conditions for restful night. and refreshing sleep   Here is a modified version of “Hush, Little Baby” lullaby   .A MODIFIED LULLABY   Hush, hush, hush Little baby hush Twinkling are stars in the sky Gone to sleep is the butterfly   *** Hush, hush, hush Littl...

संस्कृत में अग्नि गायत्री मंत्र:: हाइकु में विवरण

 गायत्री  मंत्र:  ॐ / महाज्वालाय विद्महे /  अग्नि मध्याय धीमहि /  तन्नो अग्निः प्रचोदयात् l हाइकु हे दिव्य ज्वाला / हमें विशुद्ध् करें / प्रबुद्ध करें  *** है ब्रह्म ज्योति / जीवन ऊर्जा सोम  / कृतार्थ   करें / *** अग्नि दिव्य है  / ब्रह्म की देन है  / ये प्रसाद है  / *** ऊर्जा बचाएं  / ऊर्जा व्यर्थ  ना करें / यह पाप है  *** इच्छा-लोभ का  / हवन-दहन करें / प्रबुद्दः बनें 

गायत्री मन्त्र : हाइकु

 हाइकु  प्राण स्वरूप  / प्रभु सुख स्वरूप  / देव स्वरूप  *** श्रेष्ठ, तेजस्वी / प्रभु  पाप नाशक / दु:ख नाशक  **** ऐसे प्रभु को  / अन्तरात्मा में धारें  -/ सद्बुद्धि पायें  पायें *** 

आत्मज्ञान साधना ही मुक्ति पथ है: हाइकु

  हाइकु: जीवन मिला  / वक्त व मौका मिला / आत्मज्ञान का  *** स्वयं को जानो - / निर्गुंण  स्वरूप हो -/ ये सत्य मानो  *** बाह्य जगत / मिथ्या है, मायावी है - / आत्मा सत्य है  *** तज बाह्यता / स्वयं को खोजो, जानो - / ये मुक्ति पथ !

वर्षा: लघु बाल कविता

  वर्षा पर कविता   तुनक-तुनक / बदली छाई / रिमझिम -रिमझिम / वर्षा आई  *** कड-कड, धड-धड / बादल करें शोर / रुन-झुन, रुन-झुन / खुशी से नाचे मोर 

Be self-reflection practitioner for self-renewal to attain soulfulness:

  Haiku:   Contemplate daily – / Hone spiritual reflection / For clean sweep through life *** Withdraw from profane / Hone mindfulness, soulfulness / Purify your mind *** Make self-renewal / Your unrelenting pursuit / Detached from outer *** Transpersonal life Trans-temporal soulful life That’s   humans’ real aim   Rise beyond mean mind Rise beyond materialism – Tech-embedded life *** Humans’ true calling’s To self-know, reflect, renew To gain soulfulness

बादल:लघु कविता

लघु कविता : बादल आये  / नभ पे छाए /  *** बिजली कड्की / बून्दे बरसी / *** पेड धुले / फूल खिले  / *** चिडिया  चहकी  / बगिया महकी  / *** बादल आये / मन को भाये / Note: Such mini poems are suitable for inclusive classroom. After recitation of this poem, the picture-and-text flash cards should be used. Also picture tracing and  step-by-step successive drawing exercises should be taken up. The activity must conclude with the picture-word matching exercise. Recitation may be done in slogan-shouting style to capture attention of children and channelising their shouting tendency for cognitive and non-cognitive gains.