Where will techology embedded life and learning lead us to? Quotes and Haiku


  • Technological progress merely provided us with efficient means of going backward ~ A Huxley
  • Computers are useless. They can give you only answers. ~ Pablo Picasso
  • Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born. - Alan Kay
  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic. - Arthur C.
  • Growth and comfort do not coexist.  - Ginni Rometty
  • All of our technology is completely unnecessary to happy life ~ T. Hodykinson


In the tech rat race

Reasoning gets defeated

Hook-n-crook win the race


Biases and falsehood

Hard pushing - now're parts of life

Ponzi e-commerce


Life's tech-addicted


have made life ponzi


Education's hope -

Must make it equitable 

Inclusive, thoughtful


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