बादल:लघु कविता

लघु कविता :

बादल आये  /

नभ पे छाए /


बिजली कड्की /

बून्दे बरसी /


पेड धुले /

फूल खिले  /


चिडिया  चहकी  /

बगिया महकी  /


बादल आये /

मन को भाये /

Note: Such mini poems are suitable for inclusive classroom. After recitation of this poem, the picture-and-text flash cards should be used. Also picture tracing and  step-by-step successive drawing exercises should be taken up. The activity must conclude with the picture-word matching exercise.

Recitation may be done in slogan-shouting style to capture attention of children and channelising their shouting tendency for cognitive and non-cognitive gains.


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