
Showing posts from July, 2024

मुंशी प्रेमचंद की जयंती (31 जुलIही) पर पढ़ें उन के विचार हाइकु में

शत्रु अपना- / शत्रु जो बडा सब से / अपना ही दंभ *** स्वार्थ व लोभ / बना देते बावला / हर जन को  *** आशा ऊर्जा है / आशा ही जीवन है / आशावान  हो ! *** आत्मिक बन / आत्मा अमोल धन है / आत्मा संजोह *** देश विकास -/  ढोन्गी का काम नहीं - / ये त्यागी का है 

जो क्षणिक, वह मिथ्या ; जो अचल, वह सत्य : हाइकू

 हाइकू : काया के सुख  / वस्तु-भोग, विलास  - / मोह-पाश हैं  *** इच्छा, लालच  / परिग्रह पाप हैं - / इच्छा-मुक्ति पा ! *** सुख  व दुःख  / क्षणिक हैं, मिथ्या हैं - / विवेक जगा ले ! *** साक्षी बन जी - / समभाव साधना से  / आनंद पा ले ***  जीवन जी ले / स्थितप्रज्ञ  बन के / अचल बन के 

शुद्ध-बुद्ध होना जीवन लक्ष्य है: हाइकू

हाइकू  शुद्ध - चेतना  / असीम, अतिशय,  / कालातीत है *** है ये ब्रह्माण्ड  / आत्मा की व  ब्रह्म की  / श्द्ध  चेतना  *** आत्मा व  ब्रह्म  / अजर-अमर हैं  - / ना काया-माया  *** रे शुद्ध बनो  / रे आत्म-बुद्ध  बनो  - / तृष्णाएं  तजो 

कर्मयोग हाइकू

  कर्मयोग हाइकू कर्म कर रे  / फल की इच्छा नहीं  - / सुकर्म कर l *** अकर्मी  बन  / कर्म माध्यम बन - / बस कर्म जी l *** हो स्थितप्रज्ञ  / बन कर विनीत  / कर्म कर ले l

शिक्षा का अन्तः स्वरूप और वर्तमान शिक्षा : हाइकु

  हाइकु  शिक्षा का लक्ष्य - संचेतना विकास,  प्रज्ञा जागृति  I *** सार्थक शिक्षा  करे समर्थवान  हर छात्र को  I *** शिक्षा नीति ने  बनाया शिक्षातन्त्र  कोरा बाजारी I *** है पूजीवाद  है लाभ का व्यापार  ये शिक्षा नीति  I *** है वर्गवादी  है यांत्रिक, मशीनी  बिकाउ शिक्षा I *** समावेशन  समता, गुणवत्ता - निपट नारे I

Cyber Space Vulnerability: Quotes and inspired haiku

  Cyber crime quotes Cyber bullies can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and do not need direct physical access to their victims to do unimaginable harm.   ~ Anna Maria Chavez Cyber terrorism could also become more attractive as the real and virtual worlds become more closely coupled, with automobiles, appliances, and other devices attached to the Internet. ~ Dorothy Denning Cyber-Security is much more than a matter of IT.~ Stephane Nappo The single biggest existential threat that's out there, I think, is cyber. ~ Michael Mullen What was once a comparatively minor threat - people hacking for fun or for bragging rights - has turned into full-blown economic espionage and extremely lucrative cyber crime.   ~ Christopher A. Wray   Inspired haiku   The machine learning AI, IOT, coding – Complex cyber space ***   Fast changing world   Of technology market Is so befooling, *** Criminals – one up They threaten people, nati...

Be your own guru to redeem yourself, all that is outer is honey trap: Quotes and inspired haiku

  QUOTES OF 'YOU AS OWN GURU'  No one and nothing outside of you can give you salvation, or free you from the misery. You have to light your own lamp. You have to know the miniature universe that you yourself are. ~ Banani Ray  There are more fake gurus and false teachers in this world than the number of stars in the visible universe. Don’t confuse power-driven, self-centered people with true mentors. ~ Shams Tabrizi You have all the answers within you. To stop seeking for answers outside of you is the start of being found. You are the answer. You are your guru. ~ Todd Perelmuter The ocean of knowledge is hidden within you, your soul is your (only) guru. ~ Santosh Kumar (San) The guru becomes useless when there is a particle of self-knowledge. No guru, no book or scripture, can give you self-knowledge: it comes when you are aware of yourself in relationship. To be, is to be related; not to understand relationship is misery, strife...Truth does not belong to you or to me. ...

Be a non-believer and a self-dicoverer to bring peace within and without: Quotes and inspired haiku

QUOTES The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses. ~ Albert Einstein People with Gods kill people. ~ David Viaene I refuse to believe in a god who is the primary cause of conflict in the world, preaches racism, sexism, homophobia, and ignorance, and then sends me to hell if I'm 'bad'. ~ Mark Fuhrman The word [God] leads to illusion which we worship, and for this illusion we destroy each other willingly...Through lack of intelligence we accept the idea of a super-intelligence which we call ‘God; but this ‘God’, this super-intelligence, is not going to give us a better life. What leads to a better life is intelligence; and there cannot be intelligence if there is belief, if there are class divisions, if the means of production are in the hands of a few, if there are isolated nationalities and sovereign governments. All this obviously indicates lack of intelligence and it is the lack of intelligence that is preventing a better liv...

Curriculum development: Quotes and ABCs

  Curriculum quotes Curriculum development is both an art and a science, requiring creativity, expertise, and a deep understanding of pedagogy. ~ Asuni Lady Zea Most teachers know what they're going to cover this week or this term. Few of us can specify precisely what students should know, understand, and be able to do as a result of any particular learning experience or set of learning experiences. Without that specificity, alignment between content, assessment, and instruction is weak. ~ Carol Ann Tomlinson Curriculum should help children make deeper and fuller understanding of their own experience ~Lilian Katz  ABCs of curriculum developmen t A: Adaptation of National considerations to age-grade-cultural context of children with well-thought appropriately aligned learning outcomes or specific objective B: Both the presentation of content or subject matter in a printed form and the two-way communication brought about by lessons / assignments for purposes of didactic conversa...

Internet addiction: Quotes and inspired haiku

  Technology addiction quotes Internet addiction is real. Millions of people suffer from it. And when they’re prevented from going online, they experience withdrawal symptoms that are like those suffered by drug addicts. ~ Damon Zahariades Smartphones have become so pervasive in our society that most of us now carry one. The problem is, their use stimulates the reward center of the brain in a way that encourages dependency. This dependency sets the stage for the onset of a full-blown addiction. ~ Damon Zahariades Technology is degeneration of native intelligence and promotion of Artificial Intelligence. In short - Destruction! ~ PB Flower Smartwatches don't make you productive, they only make you a lifeless humanoid. Fitness trackers don't make you fit, they only make you paranoid. ~ Abhijit Naskar, The addict is the one with low self-awareness and low self-understanding. ~ Maxime Lagacé Scrolling is the new smoking. ~ Joshua Fields Millburn The better (smarter) the tech, the h...

Higher order inferential thinking skill: Quotes and ABCs

  Quotes on inferential thinking Inference is always an invasion of the unknown, a leap from the known. ~ John Dewey Inductive inference is the only process known to us by which essentially new knowledge comes into the world. ~ Ronald Fisher Induction is a process of inference; it proceeds from the known to the unknown. ~John Stuart Mill The two operations of our understanding, intuition and deduction, on which alone we have said we must rely in the acquisition of knowledge. ~ Rene Descartes A conclusion is the place you get to when you’re tired of thinking. ~ Jill Shalvis ABCs of inferential thinking A: Approach to logical thinking as a part of critical creative thinking to draw conclusions based on evidence and reasoning B: Based on  deductive and abductive reasoning after integration of collected information or data to reach conclusion C: Choices are to narrowed down to make inference based on the identified premise, present reality, clues for inference stated with action v...

Have sound institutional foundation, make institution succeed: Quotes and haiku

  QUOTES   Learning organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together...You cannot force commitment, what you can do…You nudge a little here, inspire a little there, and provide a role model. Your primary influence is the environment you create. ~Peter Senge We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn. ~ Peter Drucker The important thing is not your process. The important thing is your process for improving your process. ~ Henrik Kniberg When individuals stand up, institutions collapse. ~ Abhijit Naskar   Haiku   Values, methods, norms - Institutionalize them As action plan parts *** Analyze impact Of institutional plan - Review to m...

Understanding death as an integral event of life: Quotes and inspired haiku

Quotes on death Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable ~ The Bhagavad Gita Death is not the end, but the beginning of a new life. Yes, it is an end of something that is already dead...death is the ultimate experience of this life, and the beginning experience of another. Death is the door between two lives; one is left behind, one is waiting ahead..Those who have known death from inside lose all fear of death. ~Osho Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death. ~ Buddhist Perspective on death It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live...To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue. ~ The Buddha The after-death state is very much like a dream state, and its dreams are the children of the mentality of the dream...

Practice and hone silence to be soulful: Quotes and inspired haiku

 QUOTES ON SILENCE Silence is the language of Om. We need silence to be able to reach our Self. Both internal and external silence is very important to feel the presence of that supreme Love. ~ Amit Ray, God is silent. Now if only man would shut up. ~Woody Allen Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing.   ~ William S. Burroughs The deepest feeling (realisation) always shows itself in silence. ~ Marianne Moore Silence is pure and holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. ~ Nicholas Sparks To listen to the silence, wherever you are, is an easy and direct way of becoming present. ~ Eckhart Tolle   INSPIRED HAIKU   Practice solitude Be one with yourself alone Still mind and senses! *** Practice quietude Attain no-mind state of being Thought-n-desires-free state *** Practice silence of Thoughts, desires, body acts Attain stillness, bliss ...

Positive psychology and social pedagogy based classroom environment is conductive to enhancement of spiritual intelligence, suggests researcher

According to Dr Lalit Kishore, whose paper was accepted for a national conference, a classroom based on positive psychology and principles of social pedagogy can work as a conductive medium for enhancing spiritual intelligence. Abstract of the paper "Towards an interface between spirituality and pedagogy via positive psychology sketch note and abstract of focus group discussion" is as follows "Educating children of deprived and marginalized groups through innovative alternative education methods is regarded as social work by NGOs. Keeping this view, an exploratory attempt was made to find the interfacing elements bet between pedagogy and spirituality using the focus group methodology. A focus group (N=3; one hour) consisting of a spiritual educator, pedagogue and a psychologist was organized by the investigator as the coordinator. The topic for the focus group was ‘How pedagogy and spirituality can be interfaced for classroom instruction?’ The discourse analysis of the f...

Mobile addiction is taking irreversible mental health toll of the young: Quotes and rap-limerick

  Quotes on digital technology addiction The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb / People who smile while they are alone used to be called insane, until we invented smartphones and social media. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana / It is okay to own a technology, what is not okay is to be owned by technology....Technology will destroy this planet mentally, if responsible individuals do not come forward to advocate for responsible use of technology. ~ Abhijit Naska r / ..Digital disorder causes feelings of distress, frustration and feeling overwhelmed. ~ Jonathan Lee / our screens are cognitive prisons that pulverize our attention span, erode our mental health, and spark polarised raze, all while exacerbating our carbon footprint. ~ Julian Blanc-Grass / Rap-Limerick Cell Phone addiction is causing humans profound illness That's much more dangerous than dreaded cancer-fullness Chronic Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is ...


  HINDI MICRO-POEMS शाब्दिक - ज्ञान - गर्व /   सांसारिक - ज्ञान - गर्व , भौतिक - सुख - गर्व /   वृथा - ज्ञान - है , अविद्या - है , अन्धकार - है l *** आत्मा - परमात्मा / सर्वव्यापी - है , अव्यक्त - है / अनन्त - है ,   अमर - है ,   / सत्य - है l *** अस्तित्व - के /   तात्वतिक - स्वरूप - को - जानो ,    आत्मिक - स्वरूप - को - जानो   /. यह - विद्या - है ,     यह - ज्ञानयोग - है ,      यह - मुक्ति - मार्ग - है l *** जीओ / अव्यक्त - रूप - से ,   अनासक्त - भाव - से /   विद्या .   आत्मज्ञान     परम - धर्म - है l  

World’s first AI dress is unveiled: Limerick

AI dress limerick Google engineer designs first AI outfit / With face-detecting robotic snakes knit / Dress is being touted as future fashion trend / Robotics dress choices as per shoppers' commend  / Soon dresses may have an emoting robot clip.  


  HAIKU   Janan Yoga path- The process of self-knowledge Soul-realisation *** Withdraw from outer Be not ignorant, deluded - Outer is transient *** Hone austerities Meditate on Supreme soul Purify your mind *** Live solitary life Get austere and minimal To self-discover *** Avoid all desires They delude mind and senses They are gloom, darkness *** Be free from ego Your true self will stand revealed You'll be self-realised      

Robot commits suicide, signals AI powered automata rights: Limerick

Robot commits suicide:  Limerick   A robot civil officer took its own life After year’s over-work full of strife   Instead of calling the lift to go down It took a spin down stairs like a clown   It dropped dead to experience after-life ~Lalit Kishore

Conditioning and past are bondage, un-condition for freedom: Quotes and haiku

  QUOTES We are the result of propaganda, what we have been told from childhood to believe and not to believe. Knowledge is the past; there is no knowledge in the present. To be aware without choice is to observe without the observer, which is the past, the image-maker.   Our conscious and unconscious responses to all the challenges of our environment - intellectual, emotional, outward and inward - all these are the action of conditioning. Language is conditioning; all thought is the action, the response of conditioning.   Without freedom from the past, there is no freedom to all...To perceive the present, the past must be absent. ~ J KRISHANAMURTI HAIKU  Put aside your past Shaped by illusionary world - Conditioned lifestyle  *** Practice empathy Compassion, love for all Oppressed and deprived  *** Raise your mind and heart Beyond the gross and mundane False material world  *** Live minimal life Imbued with humility T...

Spiritually is negation of and un-conditioning from untruth of physical world: Quotes and inspired haiku

  QUOTES Spirituality has nothing to do with the atmosphere you live in. It’s about the atmosphere you create within yourself. ~Sadhguru   Negation is the state of enlightenment which functions in all the activities of a man who is free of the past. It is the past, with its tradition and its authority that has to be negated. Negation is freedom, and it is the free man who lives, loves, and knows what it means to die...[It] is state of mind in which there is no duality, therefore no resistance or conflict between opposites. In this state there are no opposites, and this state is not the opposite of something else ~ J Krishnamurti   When non-truths are eliminated, what remains is the Absolute Truth, profound and pristine, devine and delightful. ~Raj Bhagavathi   Inspired Haiku   Being spiritual means - Faith in cosmic consciousness And own soulfulness *** To begin, turn inward Withdraw from transient outer Shun materialism *** Deem existe...


QUOTES ON PRESENT MOMENT When we are in alignment with the present moment, whatever it might be, without any resistance or avoidance, fear and anxiety dissolve and we feel profound peace deep inside as we are playing the role of observer.          ~ J Krishnamurti  Don't get caught in the past, because the past is gone. Don't get upset about the future, because the future is not yet here. There is only one moment for you to be alive, and that is the present moment ~ The Buddha  Free will is God’s gift to individuals to chart their destiny..If fate decides the circumference of a circle, ‘free will’ is its area –within the area, we can move as freely as we want. ~Raj Bhagavathi INSPIRED HAIKU Live present moment Be not prisoner of the past Past ‘s   done with and gone  *** You have ‘free will’ gift Forgive and forget past things To foster free will  *** Present's only time Past-n-future don't exist They halt...

Non-violence fosters fearlessness and valour: haiku

  QUOTES OF J KRISHNAMURTI ON FEAR   Fear is the destructive energy in man. It withers the mind, it distorts thought, it leads to all kinds of extraordinarily clever and subtle theories, absurd superstitions, dogmas, and beliefs.  ~J.  rishnamurti   A mind that is caught in fear lives in confusion, in conflict, and therefore must be violent, distorted and aggressive . It dare not move away from its own patterns of thinking, and this breeds hypocrisy. Until we are free from fear, climb the highest mountain, invent every kind of God, we will always remain in darkness. ~ J.  Krishnamurti   HAIKU   Non-violence, non-hurt! Practice and hone the precept - It’s supreme life value *** Non-violence precept Makes you fearless, undaunted- Hurt never! Be brave! *** Hurting and striking fear They are devilish instincts – Violent sinful traits *** Live non-violence - Fear not adversity, death Be brave conqueror! *** Be n...

Self-talk among children is natural but needs to be fostered and developed positively by care givers and teachers

  Self-talk by the children in the age group 3 - 4 years is common and it is always as a reaction to the experiences and encounters with elders.  Self-talk is the way one talks to himself or herself. It is a sort of inner voice that combines and thoughts, feelings and words based on self-concept being built with the encounters with others in the family, friends and neighbourhood. Positive self-talk is due to experiences which help to build high self-esteem. However, bad, biased and hurting experience may lead to hateful self-talk to shatter child's confidence and self-worth. Even toddlers talk to themselves, with their pets or with their toys. However,  the self-talk behaviour is more observed in kids. It is desirable for caregivers and teachers to be observant since negative self-talk signifies need to build a supportive social environment for the child. As a caregiver at home or preschool teacher, one should use lot of praise and support for good behaviour orientation. ...

A poem on colours for kids

  A poem on colours for kids Go out to the garden ‘n the ground / Different colours you’ll find all around / Colors' on flowers 'n leaves’re seen / Roses are red and leaves are green / Yellow, violet, blue, peach-n-white / Pink, orange, indigo, brown in sight..