Be your own guru to redeem yourself, all that is outer is honey trap: Quotes and inspired haiku


  • No one and nothing outside of you can give you salvation, or free you from the misery. You have to light your own lamp. You have to know the miniature universe that you yourself are. ~ Banani Ray 
  • There are more fake gurus and false teachers in this world than the number of stars in the visible universe. Don’t confuse power-driven, self-centered people with true mentors. ~ Shams Tabrizi
  • You have all the answers within you. To stop seeking for answers outside of you is the start of being found. You are the answer. You are your guru. ~ Todd Perelmuter
  • The ocean of knowledge is hidden within you, your soul is your (only) guru. ~ Santosh Kumar (San)
  • The guru becomes useless when there is a particle of self-knowledge. No guru, no book or scripture, can give you self-knowledge: it comes when you are aware of yourself in relationship. To be, is to be related; not to understand relationship is misery, strife...Truth does not belong to you or to me. You cannot worship it. The moment it is known, it is unreal. The symbol is not real, the image is not real; but when there is the understanding of self, the cessation of self, then eternity comes into being. ~ J Krishnamurti
  • All outer is misleading, including the self-proclaimed Gurus out there. To tread the path of the Truth, self-purify to awaken the grace of inner guru that’s the reflection of supreme consciousness within you. ~Lalit Kishore


Withdraw from the world -

The material-sensual world -

It is transient and false


Turn inwards, be virtuous

Raise yourself to soulfulness

Beyond, senses mind


Be your own Guru

Practice, hone self-reflection

To purify your mind


Lust, greed, rage, ego

'N attachments are deadly sins -

Purify, virtues'll dawn!


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