
Showing posts from May, 2024

A non-poem on disabilities and education of differently abled

  Diverse are disabilities - / They could be physical, sensory, cognitive/ They could be behavioural, mental, emotional/ Every disability has a continuum/ They could vary in degree of severity/ They could be a combination of two or more of them/ If not attended to Disabilities lead to total dependence in doing daily activities Disabilities lead to non-acquisition minimum basic learning tasks Disabled humans – our own people They have a right to life They have educational needs They health needs They require Social inclusion Educational inclusion Wellness inclusion Welfare inclusion They are differently abled Adjust education for them Adjust learning process to accommodate them Adjust instructional pace to their pace of learning Adjust learning material to their learning style

Issues in Indian science education

  COMMENT On the basis of the this blogger’s articles referenced  from  NCERT’s  Journal “School Science, the main issues of the science education are: implementing concept attainment model; making science education process-based and value oriented learning; use of low-cost science activities; gender equity in science education using cooperative learning strategy;  and  STEM education. The references of Dr Lalit Kishore’s work have cited in   “ Koireng, R. R, (2020), Research in Science Education in India, Indian Education Review, 58 (1)” (see inset clipping) References Kishore, L. (2000). Incorporating Value Education in Science Teaching. School Science. 38 (1). pp. 92–96. Kishore, L. (2002). Lecturing and Rote-Learning Leading to Misconceptions in Physics. School Science. 40 (4). pp. 43–45. Kishore, L. (2003). Sound and Wave Motion Concepts at the School Level with Soda Straws: Some Inexpensive Demonstrations. School Science. 41 (1). pp. 51–5...

Educational Design Research: ABCs

  Educational Design Research: ABCs A: Application of design thinking skills and knowledge construction methods in educational research with as intent to improve educational practices   B: Based on latest theoretical understanding of sociology, psychology and philosophy of education along with translating that understanding into designed educational intervention, or curriculum development with focus on reflection and practice-improvement for enhanced learning C: Conducting educational design research requires insightful critical study of the various latest theories of learning and their contextualisation curriculum re-organization and designing teaching-learning interventions  D: Design research is more of an inquiry and divergent thinking exercise first and come out with with well-thought intervention which is contextual and relevant to improve learning by students and teaching by teachers E: Explicit examples are created with many methods working concurrently like ...

Multi-lingual vocabulary building through poems involving Haryanavi, Hindi and English to begin teaching of English

 à¤œिगडा, जिगर, लिवर-सै  ताप, ज्वर, फीवर-सै  गोडा, घुटना, नी-सै  मुफ़त, निशुल्क, फ़्री-सै  *** सीला, गीला, वैट-सै  दौलड़ा, दरी, कारपेट-सै  तीकडा, रोटी , ब्रेड-सै  भोभरा, सिर, हैड -सै  *** बीरा, भाई, ब्रदर -सै  माई, माता, मदर-सै  बापू  पिता, फ़ादर-सै  भांण, बहिन, सिस्टर-सै  ***   इंघे,  इधर, हिअर-सै  न्युणै उधर देअर -  सै पाघरा, सीधा स्ट्रेट- सै साहमी, सामने फ़्रन्ट - सै

International Gita Seminar 2024 to be held in December at Kurukshetra

  In 2024, Gita Jayanti- auspicious day of the advent of Srimad Bhagavad Gita- is to be observed on 11 December. International Gita Seminar is held every year on Gita Jayanti at Kurukshetra university for the last 8 years. The 9th edition of the seminar is going to be held in December 2024. The papers from the researchers in various fields drawing the inspiration from the philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita on various themes get invited for presentation. According the seminar organizers, the event is supported by the Government of Haryana and outcomes of discussions would provide new ideas and way forward for developing Kurukshetra as a land of Bhagavad Gita. Besides the plenary session and multidisciplinary poster presentation, parallel technical sessions are held in various institutes and departments on the university campus. The 12 technical sessions on various themes are held at Departments of Commerce; Tourism and Hotel Management; Music and Dance; Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit; Ph...

Understand Buddhist Philosophy of Life Through Haiku

  BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY: HAIKU   Samsara's dukkha Suffering, pain, death happen It's matter of time *** Cause of suffering ? Desires're, attachments're causes Your mind - you're the cause   *** Way to end sufferings? Purify mind, rid desires Be equanimous *** Nirvana is - End of all your sufferings No-rebirth hence forth *** Tread the Buddha path Eight fold path to pure, pious self  Strive, discover Truth

Buddhism told in nutshell

  BUDDHISM: CONCISE PHILOSOPHY There are three  Basic Teachings of Buddhism, namely, (1) The Three Universal Truths - Nothing is lost in the universe; Everything Changes;  There is a Law of Cause and Effect; (2)The Four Noble Truths - Suffering is common to all; We ourselves are the cause of our suffering; We need to stop doing what causes suffering; All are capable of following the path to end suffering or everyone can be enlightened; and (3) The Noble Eightfold Path - Right View; Right Thought; Right Speech; Right Conduct; Right Livelihood; Right Effort; Right Mindfulness; and Right Concentration.  In fact, the world is treated as place full of suffering due to past Karma to be endured and mind to be freed of evils by following precautions to move toward right Karma, which is also called life with Panchsheelas. 1. No killing (Respect for all life forms)  2. No stealing (Respect for others' possessions and property) 3. No sensual misconduct or no indulgen...

Gautama Buddha Quotes on Suffering and Inspired Haiku

  Sufferings or Dukha: Gautama Buddha Quotes The cause of all pain and suffering is ignorance. Understand the suffering of worldly existence! Abandon its causes of ignorance and selfishness! Practice the path of meditation and compassion! Awaken from suffering within Great Peace! Pain in life is inevitable but suffering is not. Pain is what the world does to you, suffering is what you do to yourself Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves. Mind precedes all phenomena, mind matters most, everything is mind-made. If with an impure mind, you speak or act, then suffering follows you as the cartwheel follows the foot of the draft animal. If with a pure mind, you speak or act, then happiness follows you as a shadow that never...

Modest breakfast and lunch with evening fasting is the Buddhist way of healthy living

As the legend goes, one day, a farmer woman, Sujata, offered the starving Siddhartha a bowl of sweet and nourishing milk-rice pudding, kheer, to end his six-year asceticism. As he ate, he realized that neither indulgence nor deprivation, but a middle way, would lead to enlightenment. It said after that the Buddha took to moderate and modest daily morning yagu gruel (porridge made of oat, barley or rice, salt, curd, fruits, and leaves - ' 'namkeen daliya'; midday meal of rice, curry of root and climber vegetables, dal, fresh fruit pudding followed by evening repast of fruit juice. It was like fasting after lunch to stay healthy and free from illness. However, special vegetarian cuisine or dish called "Buddha's Delight" is now traditionally enjoyed by Buddhist monks staying in the monasteries and also served as vegetarian Buddhist meal in restaurants. The dish consists of various vegetables and other vegetarian ingredients cooked slowly with stirring in soy sauc...

Purify mind first and foremost to tread the panchsheela path of virtuous life: Buddhist message of Vesak

"This sacred day (of Vesak) is a time to reflect on the Buddha’s teachings, including the need to work for peace and justice, recognize our common humanity, respect and preserve the nature that surrounds us, and cultivate humility and compassion. The Buddha taught that we are but guests visiting this world, and for over 2,500 years, those who adhere to these teachings have enriched and strengthened this world we share. As we mark Vesak, we honour the American Buddhists who contribute so much to our country and advance our common values," stated President Joe Biden of the United States while continuing the Administration’s tradition of celebrating the holiday that commemorates Buddha’s birth, death and enlightenment. On the day of Vesak, the followers of Buddhism often wear white clothes; read teachings of the Buddha; decorate their homes and temple with lanterns, buntings and flags; commit to virtuous life of pachsheelas, pray, meditate and perform charitable acts. The whit...

Dhammam Saranam Gacchami: Be spiritual and righteous, become not ritualistic religious: Short Note and inspired Haiku

  SHORT NOTE 'Dhammam saranam gacchami' in Buddhism means 'I take refuge in spiritual and righteous life based on the teachings of the Buddha.' Buddhism deems the Buddha as a teacher or guide and the Dharma as His teachings. The symbolism of the teachings of the Buddha is in the form of the Dharma Wheel or Dharmachakra having eight spokes.  The eight spokes of the Dharmachakra represent the Eightfold Path of spiritual life which consists of Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Actions, Right Occupation, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.   INSPIRED HAIKU   Doing deeds for own worth With sense, spirit of duty - Life of selfless acts! ~*~ Know thyself foremost - Your lust, desires, cravings - They cause misery ~*~ Detach from ego - Undo demerit Karma And renounce the world ~*~ Acquire, live ethics Be wise,   discerning For pro-active life ~*~ Sense of righteousness Doing right thinking an...


  SHORT NOTE The followers of Buddhism, deem the 'Reclining Buddha' as reminder of the Buddha position with serene and calm expression just before he passed into the afterlife of Nirvana. The statues and images of reclining Buddha are meant to inspire that humans have the potential to let-go; be awakened; and release themselves from the sufferings and the cycle of birth and rebirth. In Thailand, the Wat Pho statue of the Declining Buddha, leaning to one side on right elbow, represents his peaceful passing away and end of all reincarnations to attain parinirvana state. The Wat Pho’s most vivid golden figure is located on Rattanakosin Island close to famous Grand Palace. INSPIRED HAIKU In your old age Strive to create a virtuous mind To make death peaceful ~*~ Your old-age pure mind Is springboard your for next life Leading to Nirvana ~*~ Deep practice let-go - Whatever is happening Is met with calmness ~*~ Ponder the Buddha His reclining pose-passing As your last moments


  SHORT NOTE  The Buddhist Law of Karma - one of the most profound Truth axioms - is also known as the 'Law of Cause and Effect' for birth-and-rebirth cycles and strife. In other words, one becomes good only by honed and imbibed good thoughts and deeds to live a noble life.   In the Buddhist tradition, 'Karma' is deemed as action driven by intention and desires that leads to future consequences. Those intentions or desires are considered to be the determining factor in strife and the kind of next birth as a part of cycle of death-and-rebirth.   The mundane kicks of mind and senses or unconscious psychic impulses are the Karma traps. One has to rise above and beyond the confine of body-senses-mind confine to get liberated   INSPIRED HAIKU   There exists no God We're our own only masters We are cause-n-effect *** Trust Law of Karma For your and society’s sake The Cause-n-Effect Law ~*~ Accept sufferings – Effect of our past karma D...

Significance of Vesak or Buddha Purnima: Short Note and Haiku

  SHORT NOTE On Vesak festival, devout Buddhists, followers of Buddhism, people motivated by buddhist philosophy and spiritualists remember the Buddha and feel inspired by the tenets of Buddhism to live a purposeful life. However, devout household  devouts assemble in various temples and pagodas before dawn for the ceremonial hoisting of the Buddhist flag and singing of hymns in praise of the holy triple gem: The Buddha, The Dharma (the Buddha's teachings), and The Sangha (the Buddha's disciples living in monasteries). In India, many Hindus deem the Buddha an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and celebrate Vesak as Buddha Jayanti or Buddha Purnima, and Buddha Day. The festival is a holiday to  commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of Siddhartha Gautama who was born in Lumbini, now in Nepal. Thus, Vesak is the Full Moon day in the month of May deemed sacred both Buddhists and Hindus around the world. Even, the United Nations has proclaimed the festival as the Int...

Special on Vesak Day: Buddhahood haiku

 On this Day of Vesak, 23 May, 2024, we must resolve to rebuild ourselves. "Today and every day, let us be guided by the spirit of Vesak and by a renewed faith in what we can accomplish as a united human family. Let’s work as one to build a more peaceful and sustainable future. Happy Vesak Day!" stated the UN Chief António Guterres ahead of the International Day of Vesak which marks the birth, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha.    HAIKU  All are subject to Aging, illness, re-birth strife Empathise, serve all *** Live a life of peace Strive to imbibe amity - Sense of compassion *** Inner peace is real And within very own hands 'Appo Deepo Bhav' *** Value diversity To preserve` dignity for all Hone loving kindness  


QUOTES All conditioned things are impermanent. When one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering. ~THE BUDDHA Until he has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man will not find peace.   ~THE BUDDHA INSPIRED HAIKU Transient‘s outer world Desires condition-n-delude - Cause sorrow and strife ~*~ Suffer all of us With Karmic retribution Be virtuous! Be wise! ~*~ Desires cause sorrow De-condition, start afresh With pious consciousness

Experience the reality of non-self by renouncing desires to attain enlightenment, that’s the essence of Buddhism

  In 2024, the followers of Buddhism are going to celebrate Vesak Day on May 23 to mark the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha.  According to the UN, Vesak is the Day of the Full Moon in the month of May, is the most sacred day to millions of Buddhists around the world. "It was on the Day of Vesak two and a half millennia ago, in the year 623 B.C., that the Buddha was born. It was also on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha attained enlightenment, and it was on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha in his eightieth year passed away," it adds asserting that he teachings of the Buddha, and his message of compassion and peace and goodwill have moved millions across the globe. The Day of Vesak is also the occasion to revisit the essence of Buddhism which has universal appeal for humanity.In Buddhism, desires or cravings (trishnas), are seen as the root cause of Karma and suffering. As identified by the Buddha, three types of desires often dominate and enslave the ignorant, na...

Be a lamp unto yourself. Work out your liberation with diligence, says the Budhha

 The UN proclaimed 'Day of Vesak' is meant to acknowledge the contribution of Buddhism to human spirituality. At the UN Headquarters, the day is commemorated annually during the full moon of May to celebrate three important events — the birth, full awakening, and the passing away of the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama. UN Secretary-General António Guterres: said that at this time of strife, the Buddha’s teachings of tolerance, compassion, and service to humanity were a source of solace and strength. "As we navigate the path to a better future, let us seize the spirit of Vesak," he added. Sayings of the Buddha No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. Peace comes from within.  Do not seek it without. Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path. Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded. Nothing ever exists entirely ...

Internet of Things: Quotes and 3C Mantra

WHAT IS IoT? Internet of Things (IoT) pertains to interlinking technology of things such as digital devices, machines, appliances, and other inert objects with one another through wireless network in order to make machines and people to be connected to each other with active on-going communication. In other words, an IoT-network is the network with interconnected objects with embedded sensors and smart devices that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems themselves. QUOTES ON IoT As the ‘Internet of things’ advances, the very notion of a clear dividing line between reality and virtual reality becomes blurred, sometimes in creative ways. ~ Geoff Mulgan Everything that can be automated will be automated. ~ Robert Cannon If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, that is worth 10 Microsofts     ~ Bill Gates If you think that the internet has changed your life, think again. The Internet of Things is about to change it all...

Buddha Purnima or Vesak 2024 is going to be observed in a big way in Vietnam on 23rd May

Buddha Purnima, which is observed on full moon of 'Vaisakh' month to mark the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha  falls on May 23 in 2024. Though the Vietnamese Buddhism follows the Mahayana tradition but its doctrinal position is inclusive and syncretic by incorporating the spiritual aspects of other Buddhist traditions in the neighbouring countries. Vesak Day in Vietnam is observed at Bai Dinh Temple – Ninh Binh, with great enthusiasm with a ritual bath for Buddha’s birthday and prayers for peace and happiness for the entire world. A solemn cultural show at the temple is marked with a colourful and joyous atmosphere during the festival.   The Vietnamese Buddhism is central to the ‘LOTUS AND AMITABHA SUTRAS’ which have described in the following haiku.   LOTUS SUTRA HAIKU Witness mundane life Like deluding spread of murk - Rise up like lotus ~*~ Grapple with mind's murk Rise above-n-beyond your mind by being desires-free   AMITABH...

AI age is here: Haiku

  Artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of deciding and acting just like human brain through new digital devices, upgraded internet and advanced computers that are at the verge of being an integral part of our lives. AI is shaping the future of technology and revolutionizing industries including the knowledge industry and lifestyle. AI Haiku  AI refers to - designed computer systems  to reason-n-decide *** AI makes machines to perform human tasks with great precision *** Future's of AI - It'll run healthcare, retail, education, farms **** AI will fight wars It'll control transport, info  It'ill decide and act

Know notion of spirituality: Quotes and Haiku

  QUOTES   Each one of us has a spiritual nature—just as we all have an intellectual, emotional, and will nature. To experience our connection with spirit is a universal human need—something that touches us all. ~Kamala   When you approach the divine in a false way, pretending to be some sort of ultra-spiritual holy person, he withdraws from you because you are not being sincere with yourself and the divinity within. ~Kamala     HAIKU   Spirituality- Higher state of consciousness - Strived, attained and lived *** Spirituality- Its individualist Centred within you *** Have faith in yourself Be simple and minimal Withdraw from outer *** Learn to self-reflect Be meditative, blissful Be inclusive, kind

Introduce STEM vocabulary through crossword puzzles: An example

  Complete the crossword puzzle CLUES ACROSS 1.  Specific sets of criteria that clearly define, for both student and teacher, a range of acceptable and unacceptable performances 5.  A set of guidelines that describe how to perform a task. 6.  A group of people working together to accomplish a common goal. 8.  A new product, system, or process that has never existed before; created by study and experimentation. 9. A representation or process that utilizes mathematical formulas, charts, graphs, devices built to a scale, full scale prototypes to develop, refine and test a design or solve a problem. 10. The use of computers or automatic machines to control machine operations and make a product. 11. The kind of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 12.  An iterative decision-making process that produces plans by which resources are converted into products or systems that m...

Project on making pre-primary children to talk science: Indian Commonwealth Award Entry for 2024

  The Vidya Bharati run Senior Secondary Girls Adarsh Vidya Mandir School, Jai Jawan Colony-3, Jaipur, enters the CASTME Award -2024 scheme through their innovative project report “ Initiating Pre-School Kids into Talking Science by Displaying and Demonstrating Sensory Development Activities at Annual Science Exhibition by Senior Students".   The research report of the innovative STEM related project has been authored by Dr Lalit Kishore, who resides in the colony and is supporter of gender equity and inclusion in STEM education.   “With the changed social context dominated by technology, there is a need that children are initiated into STEM education from an early age since a lot of incidental learning about technological devices is happening and children are getting exposed to internet and social media through handheld devices and designer toys. At the pre-primary level children must be taught speaking science and technology,” stated Dr Kishore. The rece...

Daily voice modulation practice for a beginner to improve speech clarity

VOICE MODULATION  Voice modulation is human ability to change pitch, volume, tone, and pace of voice for effective oral communication according to purpose of speech, its content, and the listening audience. However, pitch modulation is practice by projecting voice from one's diaphragm. Breath into diaphragm with stomach pressed in while speaking. Practice diaphragmatic breathing by doing belly breathing exercises for 5 minutes to strengthen diaphragm before leaving the bed in the morning and before going off to sleep at night. Weekly schedule for voice training should go as follows: Select 10 quotations or glossary definitions for voice training For voice training practice every day for 15 minutes, speak aloud and visualize your voice resonating from your diaphragm  Repeat by pressing the nose either side to practice alteration in the sound of your voice. Loosen your face to speak the lines with phonological awareness Speak aloud with face turned up, down, left and right...