Daily voice modulation practice for a beginner to improve speech clarity


 Voice modulation is human ability to change pitch, volume, tone, and pace of voice for effective oral communication according to purpose of speech, its content, and the listening audience.

However, pitch modulation is practice by projecting voice from one's diaphragm. Breath into diaphragm with stomach pressed in while speaking. Practice diaphragmatic breathing by doing belly breathing exercises for 5 minutes to strengthen diaphragm before leaving the bed in the morning and before going off to sleep at night.

Weekly schedule for voice training should go as follows:

  • Select 10 quotations or glossary definitions for voice training
  • For voice training practice every day for 15 minutes, speak aloud and visualize your voice resonating from your diaphragm 
  • Repeat by pressing the nose either side to practice alteration in the sound of your voice.
  • Loosen your face to speak the lines with phonological awareness
  • Speak aloud with face turned up, down, left and right
  • Cover your mouth with hand to muffle your voice and repeat the lines
  • Stretch your lips to repeat your lines
  • Round up lips to speak your lines in monotone

 Continue the weekly voice training by selecting the new 10  quotations or punch lines


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