
Showing posts from January, 2025


  HAIKU ON ABILITY, SKILL & COMPETENCY ABILITY HAIKU Innate potential When fostered, nurtured - It's ability SKILL HAIKU Learned ability - When honed for specific task It becomes a skill COMPETENCY HAIKU Getting educated with honed skills-set expertise That's competency PROFESSIONALISM HAIKU Improve competence For advancement in career - Be professional

Lezim can be used for cognitive and non-cognitive gains at school level

 Lezim - at times spelt and spoken as 'Lezium' - is used for PT exercises and drill as individual activity. In this format, lezim can be introduced as a pre-school activity. While, as a dance activity, it can be an elementary and high school activity. Lezim dance is, relatively, a vigorous physical exercise with formations in two's, fours and more than four in a circle. Lezim performers carry a small musical instrument with jingling cymbals. A wooden rod with both ends punctured and an iron linked chain  with jingles and are generally available in two sizes - one for children of elementary schools and other for high school.  Lezim when used as a musical drill like standing dance has therapeutic values and is suitable for pre-schoolers and children with special needs According to Lalit Kishore, dance, the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music is done within a given space. This performing art form can have a purpose (context, culture, cognitive use, amuse...

What is God: A spiritual view point

  VIEW POINT Well meaning and enlightened spiritualists believe that God is a presence , state of being or state of highest level of consciousness within all of us and not a separate entity. All exernalisations are devilish and exploitative trading in the names or projected forms of God with are well established in the organized religion.  All worship places, scriptures and traditions are the religious trade marks with religious leaders competitively set against one another, feel spiritualists. OSHO QUOTES There is no God, but there is certainly a quality I call godliness. It comprises compassion, love, friendship, joy, creativity. It brings you new songs, it brings you new dances. It brings you the truth, and the immersion of you into the truth. What exists is a godly existence, a divine existence. God not as a person but as a presence certainly exists. But to understand that presence, you have to understand your own inner presence first, because it is from there that you can...

ASE Conference 2025 in UK: Shift in emphasis from science education to STEM education

 The ASE hosted its three-day Annual Conference-2025 sponsored by AQA at the University of Nottingham from 9th to 11th January. International sessions are incorporated throughout the event’s 3 days and we will have a great exhibition with lots of exclusive Conference offers. It is believed the ASE conference is the UK’s largest event focussing on science education professional teaching and learning'  at the University of Nottingham’s University with  'over 250 sessions from the best science education speakers and practitioners – all in one place' along with more than 50 science education organisations, full of activities, equipment and resources with exclusive competitions and giveaways. During the conference, the names of the Findel CASTME Awards for the preceding year are usually announced for innovative STEM education and awareness projects carried out in institutions, among communities and sustainable development. In the UK, STEM education is viewed as a 'multidisci...

Making a Shift Towards STEM Education at Middle School Level: Lead Points

 STEM is acronym of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and STEM Education is the integrated way of teaching the four subjects along with development soft skills, higher order thinking skills and value of collaboration. The integration requires combining technology elements with science in the form of 'technical studies'. According to Pickup (1976), the National Centre for School Technology (NCST) spells out the following main objective technical studies is to develop an understanding of a range of basic scientific principles related to the structure and use of materials and the availability and use of energy resources; as well as to to familiarise pupils with machines, instruments and processes. If one goes through the modules of the NCST, at the junior high school level, students are required to be skilled in the use of basic hand tools and properly perform the the associated operations and develop adequate technological language or vocabulary in communication. H...

Makar Sankranti: Short notes and haiku

  SHORT NOTE In 2025, the festival of Makar Sankranti being celebrated on January 14 dedicated to Lord Surya (Sun Deity) marked by beginning of longer days and warmer nights. It is also a harvest festival that signifies a shift in astrological and agricultural cycles in India.   Furthermore, the festival also gives the spiritual message of triumph of good over evil since the India Hindu mythology informs that on this day the divine figure Kikrant had vanquished the demon Sankarasur.   On this day, people wish one another "Happy Makar Sankranti!" and mark the day with bathing in rivers, sun-worshiping, fasting, kite flying, bonfires, and local delicacies.:   Spiritual message in haiku   Makar Sankranti - Be self-luminous like sun To dispel in-gloom *** Grow in purity Gain wisdom and self-knowledge Shine with inner light *** Divine pervades all Self-ignite the spark within To shine forth like Sun  

A short poem on Lohri for cultural and STEM integrated education of the harvest festival

 Here is  a  short Hindi poem on Lohri  लोहड़ी लोहड़ी आई , लोहड़ी आई खेत में हुई , फसल कटाई। लोहड़ी आई , लोहड़ी आई आग जलाओ, नाचो गाओ। लोहड़ी आई , लोहड़ी आई पकवान  बनाओ, मिलके खाओ। लोहड़ी आई , लोहड़ी आई गीत गाओ, दो बधाई। Transactional guidelines • Make children sing the poem  with a protocol: Modelling, echo-recitation, remediation; corrected echo-singing; practice for solo-recitation • Prepare a worksheet for vocabulary development • Practice of writing / spelling a few words • Successive line drawing of bonfire STEM LEARNING Problem: Stubble (Parali/ left overs the crop) burning is the practice of setting fire to leftover crop residue after harvesting the crop and collecting the grain grains. It is a common air polluting practice in northern India. Scientists and activists inform and warn that the practices releases many toxic gases and harmful ash that are harmful to living beings as well as impact badly the climate and health of people. STEM project idea:...

National Youth Day: Know briefly Neo Vedanta philosophy of Swami Vivekananda

  Nation is observing Vivekananda Jayanti today on January 12. It is held that he had devoted  his life to national regeneration and motivated many youngsters to work towards the task of nation building.  Swami Vivekananda’s (1863-1902) Vedanta philosophy, often called Neo-Vedanta, is based on realism that combines both the ‘Being’ and ‘Becoming’ precepts.  His birth anniversary is observed as National Youth Day by projecting him as a youth icon since he had died young, and yet, was able to create a positive image about Vedic philosophy globally. His speech on Hinduism at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in 1893 had stressed the spiritual precept that ‘all living beings were an embodiment of the same divine self’ and advocated for religious harmony. Swami Vivekananda founded the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission to propagate his Neo-Vedanta philosophy that is considered to be realistic and relevant. Swami Vivekananda’ Vedanta philosophy s...

Need to take sketchnoting to next level of generative scribing, says India's lead sketchnote scribe Deepak Arora on World Sketch Day

  I  had the opportunity to meet Deepak Arora, medical physicist, working with a private hospital in Delhi who has developed himself as a professional sketchnotes scribe and  whose work has been recognised by TEDx for whom he has organised a few workshops for training of functionaries in recording the proceeding of events through sketchnotes. He was engaged for a short conversation and his responses about journey in sketchnoting and its higher level are given here as his comments. On sketch noting Sketchnoting is a powerful tool of describing events through visual and text codes. Visual code condense content and describe things in a jiffy which requires a lot of words or textual narrative, I practiced the skill and now have reached a level of spontaneity in it. My engagement with conferences and workshops got sought after. Then I thought of moving a step forward and took to graphic recording of events. On graphic scribing This skill combines visual codes with ic...

विश्व हिंदी दिवस: विश्व की सर्वाधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषा को पुनर्प्रतिष्ठित करें

  हर वर्ष 10 जनवरी को विश्व हिंदी दिवस मनाया जाता है।   इस की सोच पहले विश्व हिंदी सम्मेलन 10 जनवरी 1975 शुरू हुई थी।   यह सम्मलेन महाराष्ट्र के नागपुर में आयोजित हुआ था जिस में 30 देशों के सैंकड़ों   प्रतिनिधि सम्मलित हुए थे।   परन्तु 10 जनवरी को विश्व हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाने की घोषणा 2006 में   हुई थी।   यह घोषणा तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री डॉ . मनमोहन सिंह ने की थी।   विश्व हिंदी दिवस उद्देश्य विश्व की सर्वाधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषा को सम्मान देना है तथा इस का महत्व अवगत करवाना है।   इस वर्ष   विश्व हिंदी दिवस इंटरनेट एवं सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म पर मनाया जा रहा है।   कई   बधाई संदेश   फेसबुक पर मिलें हैं . जिन में से कुछ एक कोलाज के रूप में यहाँ   दिए गए हैं।     सरकार अंग्रेजी माध्यम के स्कूल खोल रही है।   मेरा मानना है की प्रारंभिक शिक्षा तो स्थानीय बोली में होनी चाहिए। ...

Mindful eating: Citation on prayer, quotes on eating and a prayer before a meal

  According to Tyagi (2012). Prayers, Meditation, and Contemplation are the integral parts of spirituality, she states [1]:  "Prayer is verbal communication to the divine. It involves praising and honoring the divine, confessing sins, sharing one’s thoughts and feelings, and requesting guidance and assistance. Meditation is about one-pointed concentration without involving any word or image. Its purpose is to first clear the mind of surface thoughts and feelings, then to attain higher spiritual states on the path to enlightenment. Contemplation is to focus the mind on a text, an image, or an idea. " Quotes on eating In the 21st century and bey ond, eating healthy foods alone is no longer medicine. Eating habits are. ~ Christopher Oseh Mindful eating is about awareness. When you eat mindfully, you slow down, pay attention to the food you're eating, and savour every bite. ~ Susan Albers  Eating well is a form of self-respect ~ Molly LeGay We do food every single day! Consci...

Recite prayers and spiritual texts in acquired hypnotic voice: Tonal quality, haiku and practice quotes

  The hypotonic tonal quality is acquired through speaking practice in slow, measured, resonating and calm voice with practice of 70-80 words per minute arising from stomach. Practice daily reading of 2 pages in the morning and evening from the work of spiritualists or short one-line 20 spiritual quotes. Haiku on Hypnotic Tone To communicate sacred texts, practice and hone a hypotonic tone *** Say all your prayers seventy words per minute rate - that's hypotonic tone *** preach in flat tone arising from the stomach practice, train the tone *** speak out slow and soft to feel the trance caused by words seventy beats rate Here are two-sentence Gita quotes for students (AI Overview) for daily practice The Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna from the Hindu epic Mahabharata. It offers guidance on how to overcome fear and self-doubt, and to approach challenges with courage.  The mind is both a friend and an enemy: "The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not ...

Essential humanistic message of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Sahib in Zafarnama

  As we celebrate the Parkash Utsav of the Tenth and the last Guru of the Sikhs – Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Sahib – on January 6, 2025, it would be pertinent to know what the Guru said about ‘what it means to be a true person’. The Zafarnama, an 'Epistle of Victory' consisting of 111 verses, was a spiritual victory letter sent by Guru Gobind Singh Ji Sahib in 1705 to the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb after the Battle of Chamkaur. Despite sufferings, Guru Ji had won a moral victory over Emperor Aurangzeb who had broken all his vows. In some verses, Aurangzeb has been rebuked for his weaknesses as a human being and for excesses as a ruler. Many verses express Guru Ji’s unflinching faith in the God even after extreme personal loss of his father, mother, and all four of his sons to Aurangzeb’s cruelty and inhumanness. Here is a non-poem on Zafarnama as I have understood it. The real person Is the one who - Doesn’t double speak  Be the one who - Has same words on lips and in heart K...

Spiritual thoughts of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib said in haiku

In India, cutting across the religious lines, Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti or Parkash Purab is being observed on January 6, 2025, with akhand paths, nagar kirtans and community meals or langars. Shri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib had a struggleful life as the tenth and last Sikh guru. He is regarded as a revered spiritualist, poet and philosopher by the Sikhs. Here, I express spiritual thoughts of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Sahib' in haiku. HAIKU Eschew selfishness - Selfishness that is within Purify yourself ~ ~ * * ~ ~ Recite name of Lord Remember Lord   day-in-n-out To stay ever blessed ~ ~ * * ~ ~ Ego is worst sin Dualities are biggest myths Shun sins, shine in life. ~ ~ * * ~ ~ Place Lord in your heart He’ll reveal path to the Truth He’ll do deeds thro’ you ~ ~ * * ~ ~ ~ Lalit Kishore

Making sense of spirituality: Sketch note and haiku

SKETCH NOTE   HAIKU Deem yourself divine - Meant to be sensed, unfolded - Part of greater, whole *** Discover true self! Living an unrealised life - It's unworthy life *** Wanna blissful life ! Build an untainted inner life - Harbour not desires! *** Neutral, mid-path trend - Unyielding to dualities - Makes spirit soar high