Need to take sketchnoting to next level of generative scribing, says India's lead sketchnote scribe Deepak Arora on World Sketch Day


I  had the opportunity to meet Deepak Arora, medical physicist, working with a private hospital in Delhi who has developed himself as a professional sketchnotes scribe and  whose work has been recognised by TEDx for whom he has organised a few workshops for training of functionaries in recording the proceeding of events through sketchnotes.

He was engaged for a short conversation and his responses about journey in sketchnoting and its higher level are given here as his comments.

On sketch noting

Sketchnoting is a powerful tool of describing events through visual and text codes. Visual code condense content and describe things in a jiffy which requires a lot of words or textual narrative, I practiced the skill and now have reached a level of spontaneity in it. My engagement with conferences and workshops got sought after. Then I thought of moving a step forward and took to graphic recording of events.

On graphic scribing

This skill combines visual codes with icons and graphics which reduce the textual content further. It makes communication of academics and research faster and effective. I worked for some conference organizers and displayed the proceedings of conferences which got visited with interest as summary presentations. However, I wanted to grow further and heard about generative scribing the area which was new and potent way to cover events including discussions and meetings.

On generative scribing

Impressed by the work of Kelvy Bird on modern scribing  which is described as  listening and visually mapping a  content generated by a group  in real time.  I have started trying my hand on generative scribing and picking up the threads. I have begin with generative scribing of casual conversation that take place around me to visually represent ideas as people task. It is an exciting work and it being doing skills, you learn it by doing it frequently.

I wished Arora well in his new growth level and felt that it has a serious classroom implications too and both teachers and students require hone the skill of generative scribing which  Kelvy Bird calls the ‘Social Art of the 21st Century.’



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