What is God: A spiritual view point



Well meaning and enlightened spiritualists believe that God is a presence , state of being or state of highest level of consciousness within all of us and not a separate entity. All exernalisations are devilish and exploitative trading in the names or projected forms of God with are well established in the organized religion. 

All worship places, scriptures and traditions are the religious trade marks with religious leaders competitively set against one another, feel spiritualists.


  • There is no God, but there is certainly a quality I call godliness. It comprises compassion, love, friendship, joy, creativity. It brings you new songs, it brings you new dances. It brings you the truth, and the immersion of you into the truth.
  • What exists is a godly existence, a divine existence. God not as a person but as a presence certainly exists. But to understand that presence, you have to understand your own inner presence first, because it is from there that you can take off, it is from there that you can have the first glimpse of what godliness is. If you have not known yourself you will never know God.
  • God cannot be found outside you, because there is no God who can ever be outside you. God is the ultimate fragrance of your consciousness. When your consciousness opens like a lotus, the fragrance that is released is God -- better to call it godliness.
  • There is no need for God! If you want to meditate you can meditate without God... That`s how it happens: you meditate and YOU will become a god, you will discover godliness in your own being. And that is the beginning of discovery. Then you start discovering it in others. Then slowly slowly, the whole existence is full of God, overflooded with God.


God is inner self -
Our non-biological self
Hone self-on-self acts
God is 'formless being'
God is divine quality within
Hone meditation!
Externalize not -
You'll turn into a devil -
A shameless sinner!


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