
Showing posts from January, 2024

Go for efficient and effective neo-humanistic education to match up to fast-developing and aggressive deep-technologies trying to dehumanise us

                               The way, the materialistic-capitalistic deep-technology is fast developing, invading day-to-day life and dehumanising us by taking away our cognitive functions of mind (smart e-devices), brain functions (AI and brain chips) and kinaesthetic functions (comforts and conveniences), reproduction (designer babies) and ponzi economy schemes,(freebies, loans and EMIs); soon we are going to become ‘addicted technology consumers’ and ‘tech-zombies.’ It is being feared that even education and governing systems are being trapped into the net through smart classrooms, e-commerce and on-line deliveries. The fast progress towards deep-technology is invasive and requires humanistic-ethical education and governance to counter its ill-effects      Human development through education, pedagogy, social learning, research in social sciences and human intelligences is not keeping pace with technological advancement, which is required urgently by humanity. Education is require

Brain-computer interface deep technology breakthrough: Humans cerebral slavery reign begins!

  Scenario With the reported test-success of Neuralink's human brain chip, the questions are being raised about ownership of brain data and its manipulation, in a world full of scams, frauds,corruption, hacking, power-hunger, ethical illiteracy, reactive law-and-control systems and legal illiteracy; the brain chips are likely new weapons to destroy humanity and human spirit. The integration of AI and brain chips along with control of these devices can turn people into thoughtless consumer-zombies and deep-tech addicts. QUOTES TO PONDER OVER I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots. ~Albert Einstein The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb  Progress would be wonderful  - if only it would stop. ~ Robert Musil Faith in technology as the ultimate solution to all problems can thus divert our attention from the most fundamental problem-th

Understanding Neo-Humanism: Quote and 3Cs

  Understanding Neo-Humanism: Quote and 3Cs Quote When our love transcends boundaries of humanism and includes all animate and inanimate objects, we land in the world of Neo-humanism. And, Neo-humanism is the elixir for sustainable development of humanity in all strata of existence – physical, mental and spiritual. ~Acharaya D. Avadhuta Three Cs of Neo-Humanism C1: Common-humanity : Assuming ourselves as humans first and foremost since all other labels and tags - religion, race, caste, creed, colour, gender, country - differentiate, disunite and alienate us from the Truth of Oneness that connects C2: Compassion: Universal love and empathy for all as a core value that gets acquired through integrated physical, psychic and spiritual development that emphasises humans' true existential nature of soulfulness C3: Companionship: Feeling of fellowship, caring, sharing, partaking, self-less service and assuming the role of guardians and custodians of all things of the divine cre

Soul-Consciousness and Cosmic-Consciousness or Existential Truth Is Implicit Search

    MICRO NON-POEMS   Truth Can’t-be found In-externals, in-rituals, in-temples  *** All-externals - All-that-is-materialistic,  all-that-is-explicit - They’re  desires-fired  show-offs ***  Soul’s Implicit  cosmic-consciousness To-be-realised  solely  with-in  *** Space-less God‘s  non-explicit God’s  non-physical  implicit


  MICRO NON-POEMS   For Material-world, phenomenal-world Senses’re  gateways-to  transient-knowledge *** For Physical-world,   tangible-world Forms-n-names,   measurements-n-methods   help *** For Perceivable-world,   experiential-world Senses-n-mind,    thinking-skills-n-codifications     help *** But-for Non-physical-world, non-material-world We’ve-to     go-beyond    mind-body-senses-confine *** But-for Noumenal-world, spiritual-world We’ve-to     search-for    existential-Truth *** Since Personal-self,    spiritual-self – Both’re   matters-of    self-realisation ***   Since Non-physical-soul,    non-physical-God They’re    meant-to-be    realised  

A-E Verse on Gandhism: Special on Martyrs' Day

       Today, 30th January, 2024, as we observe the Death Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, lets know briefly the Gandhian philosophy which is also called Gandhism.       Gandhism consists of the ideology and thoughts that describe the inspiration, vision of society, life philosophy, moral values, principles and works of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.       He seemed to be influenced by Gita, He once wrote, "It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result."      Here are the A to E verse on Gandhian philosophy as I have understood it A: Ahimsa or non-violent and peaceful protest as satyagraha or civil resistance B: Basis of socio-economic growth and collective welfare should be trusteeship C: Change c

Remembering philosophical thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi through ABC poem on Martyrs' Day 2024

 Remembering philosophical thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi through ABC poem on  Martyrs' Day 2024      As the nation observes Mahatma Gandhi's 76th death anniversary as Martyrs' Day on January 30, 2024, it would be pertinent to revisit the philosophy of life Gandhiji lived by. Though, he had clarified that there was nothing like Gandhism, since he lived by certain ideals picked up through study of scriptures and inspiration drawn from the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.      Here, I have summarised the precepts and principles on which he had lived his life and acted in the world.  ABC POEM ON GANDHIJI'S PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE A: Acceptance of unity of thought, speech and action as Truth B: Brahmacharya viewed as control of senses, non-transgression and simplicity C: Concept of non-violence and non-violent resistance for liberation from subjugation and being prepared to die rather to kill

Understanding Upanishadic Aphorism ‘Absolute Alone or Desires-Free is Bliss

  Understanding Upanishadic Aphorism ‘Absolute Alone or Desires-Free is Bliss यो वै भूमा तत् सुखं   यः वै भूमा : वह जो अनंत ( सर्वव्यापी / सर्वग्राही ), है ; One who is Limitless Absolute One or God तत् सुखं :    वहीं सुख / परमानन्द   है    : He / God Alone is Bliss ~ छांदोग्य उपनिषद (Chhandoya Upanishad)   सूक्ष्म कविताएं रहिये   संतुष्ट सदा अपनी स्वाभाविक स्थिति - से *** हो - जाओ मुक्त तुम सान्सारिक इच्छाओं - से *** इच्छा - मुक्त जीवन जीओ -   परमानन्द प्रभु - को पा - जाओ - गे QUOTE There is only one Soul in the Universe. There is no 'you' or 'me'; all variety is merged into the absolute unity, the one infinite existence - God. ~Swami Vivekananda

Meditation: Quote and Inspired Haiku

  Meditation: Quote and Inspired Haiku QUOTE Meditate alone. Get lost. And, don’t try to remember where you have been. If you try to remember it, it will be something dead. If you hold on to the memory of it, you will never be alone again. So meditate in that endless solitude, in the beauty of that love, in that innocency, in the new. Then there is imperishable bliss. ~J. Krishnamurti   INSPIRED HAIKU  Meditate on self Deep practice meditation Hone it and live it *** Meditate as aim Meditate for its own worth To live as witness *** Withdraw from outer Meditate on eternal Your own self, -your soul *** Take refuge in soul That’s pure, eternal, unborn Get meditative  

About Empowerment: Deepak's Sketch Quote and Lalit's ABC Poem on Appreciative-Empowering Enquiry Research Tool

  About Empowerment: Deepak's Sketch Quote and Lalit's ABC Poem on Appreciative-Empowering Enquiry Research Tool Sketch Quote on Empowerment by Deepak Arora      ABC of appreciative and empowering enquiry as research tool ABC Verse by Lalit Kishore A: Attitude of mutuality and equitable power relationships in investigation and exploration processes B: Basing recommendations for increasing all-round or multi-faceted development contributions of interventions with due appreciation of the existing strengths and achievements C: Capturing the multiple impacts of interventions on various outcomes and social transformation of the stakeholders at various levels and stages D:   Developing sustainable learning processes within the organization with active participation of grassroots participants and primary beneficiaries E: Empowering the most vulnerable to challenge existing inequalities and injustice in the process of social transformation.