Go for efficient and effective neo-humanistic education to match up to fast-developing and aggressive deep-technologies trying to dehumanise us
The way, the materialistic-capitalistic deep-technology is fast developing, invading day-to-day life and dehumanising us by taking away our cognitive functions of mind (smart e-devices), brain functions (AI and brain chips) and kinaesthetic functions (comforts and conveniences), reproduction (designer babies) and ponzi economy schemes,(freebies, loans and EMIs); soon we are going to become ‘addicted technology consumers’ and ‘tech-zombies.’ It is being feared that even education and governing systems are being trapped into the net through smart classrooms, e-commerce and on-line deliveries. The fast progress towards deep-technology is invasive and requires humanistic-ethical education and governance to counter its ill-effects Human development through education, pedagogy, social learning, research in social sciences and human intelligences is not keeping pac...