About Empowerment: Deepak's Sketch Quote and Lalit's ABC Poem on Appreciative-Empowering Enquiry Research Tool


About Empowerment: Deepak's Sketch Quote and Lalit's ABC Poem on Appreciative-Empowering Enquiry Research Tool

Sketch Quote on Empowerment by Deepak Arora

    ABC of appreciative and empowering enquiry as research tool

ABC Verse by Lalit Kishore

A: Attitude of mutuality and equitable power relationships in investigation and exploration processes

B: Basing recommendations for increasing all-round or multi-faceted development contributions of interventions with due appreciation of the existing strengths and achievements

C: Capturing the multiple impacts of interventions on various outcomes and social transformation of the stakeholders at various levels and stages

D:  Developing sustainable learning processes within the organization with active participation of grassroots participants and primary beneficiaries

E: Empowering the most vulnerable to challenge existing inequalities and injustice in the process of social transformation.




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