Go for efficient and effective neo-humanistic education to match up to fast-developing and aggressive deep-technologies trying to dehumanise us

    The way, the materialistic-capitalistic deep-technology is fast developing, invading day-to-day life and dehumanising us by taking away our cognitive functions of mind (smart e-devices), brain functions (AI and brain chips) and kinaesthetic functions (comforts and conveniences), reproduction (designer babies) and ponzi economy schemes,(freebies, loans and EMIs); soon we are going to become ‘addicted technology consumers’ and ‘tech-zombies.’ It is being feared that even education and governing systems are being trapped into the net through smart classrooms, e-commerce and on-line deliveries. The fast progress towards deep-technology is invasive and requires humanistic-ethical education and governance to counter its ill-effects
    Human development through education, pedagogy, social learning, research in social sciences and human intelligences is not keeping pace with technological advancement, which is required urgently by humanity. Education is required to develop thinking, feeling, realising and creative potentials efficiently and effectively, and does not require mediation of technology. Human potential are innate and dormant, they require strong social pedagogy, life philosophy and multiple intelligence based instructional pedagogy
    With the recognition of spiritual intelligence as a component of humans’ innate potentials by Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, it is being advocated that the education should be based on neo-humanism philosophy.
    Avdhuta (2024) urges that for sustainable development, we must base our education and system-management on neo-humanism that follows the balanced physical, psychic and spiritual development and deems that it is the moral or ethical duty of human race to bring society and societal institutions ‘on the path of spirituality so that a feeling of love for all can be generated in each one of us. “Spirituality is not a utopian idea, it can be practiced in day-to-day life but needs sincerity,” he observes.

     Here is my 3As mantra piece on neo-humanism as I have understood it.

A1: Adapting to worldly life with balanced development of physical, psychic and spiritual (body, mind, and spirit) development of all humans inclusively beyond religious, caste creed, and gender divides
A2: Acquiring and living the role of custodian or guardian of all animate and inanimate components of mother nature and live a simple and minimal life
A3: Attempting sincerely to attain the goal of self-realisation and serve humanity selflessly deeming yourself as a symbiotic component of the ecological web of nature

    Thus, we must go for neo-humanistic education efficiently and effectively to ward off the ills of modern technology by facilitating development of students in physical, cognitive, social, emotional, creative, spiritual potentials to live a purposeful life without falling prey to lop-sided technological-materialistic development.

Avadhuta, A. D, (2024). For sustainable development, go for neohumanism, Times of India, 31 January, 2024, p. 16


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