Work on Multiple Intelligence Mentioned in AI Overview

 The work of this blogger, Dr Lalit Kishore, mainly in the form of action research, pedagogic experiments and lesson studies, got a mention in AI Overview on Multiple Intelligence of Google search engine giant

It is stated that a multiple intelligent (MI) person is an individual who demonstrates a strong aptitude across various intelligence types, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, or naturalistic, depending on the specific context.

The Theory MI by Howard Gardner proposes that intelligence is not just one ability, but rather a collection of different types of intelligences that individuals possess in varying degrees. Dr Kishore has attempted to put the theory into action by designing research lessons and implementing them as triangulated lesson studies in Indian context. It has been found that MI pedagogy is most suitable at the middle school level and has the potential of making learning by teen-agers inclusive and equitable.



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