
Showing posts from February, 2025

Understanding spiritual significance of Losar festival of Tibetan Buddhism through a sentence acrostic

Understanding spiritual significance of Losar festival of Tibetan Buddhism through a sentence acrostic ~ Lalit Kishore In 2025, the New Year festival of Tibetan Buddhists is going being celebrated on February 28 onwards for three days.   Besides offering prayers and festivities, it is worthwhile to spiritual significance of the festivals which is being explained through a sentence acrostic on LOSAR. LOSAR SENTENCE ACROSTIC L: Lunisolar Tibetan calendar based O: Observance of New Year during S: Spring season to relate to the sacred nature of the external and internal elements and revisit A: Auspicious eight virtues R: Represented by the symbols: a white parasol, a conch shell, a treasure vase, a victory banner, a dharma wheel, a pair of golden fish, an endless knot

ABCs of green economy

  ABCs of green economy A: Aim of green economy model is improving human well-being by maintaining ecological balance; using of renewal energy resources and protecting the limited natural resources B: Batting for sustainable development based upon an alternative economic model which least affects the climate adversely, halts resource depletion, and promotes social welfare C: Creation of an economic development system to reduces resource scarcity and environmental risk along with enhancing the well-being of animate world and social equity A visual relating education , economy and development

Spiritual Significance of Shivratri: Acrostic on Shivratri for undering in nutshell

  ACROSTIC ON SHIVRATRI S: Shiv-Shakti union   for solemn   spiritual renewal saning festivities and externalizations H: Holistic well-being through   cleansing, body, mind and soul as well shunning the negative energies of gross materialism and evils of the mind, senses and body I: Inner awakening through fasting and praying with focus on   aim of self-realization through self-reflection V: Virtuous lifestyle by making oneself pure, pious and wholesome through deconditioning and detoxification R: Removal of inner darkness caused by ego and attachment to the transient physical world A: Assuming and trusting the formless and immanent soul and supreme soul as real and work for re-union through meditation and chants T:Transcendence   from onslaught of outer world   to inner   safe world    for new unconditional journey self-knowledge and self-realization R: Reverence for your own soul, other’s souls and the supreme soul I:...


 According to Isha Foundation, the festival of 'Maha Shivratri is more than just a religious festival — it is an opportunity for spiritual transformation and self-discovery through the night in meditation, chanting mantras, or simply reflecting on life’s deeper purpose.' We need to see the occasion 'as a reminder of Lord Shiva’s infinite grace and wisdom.' Here is an ABC poem on Shaivism to understand significance of Shivratri ABC poem on Shaivism A: Auspiciousness, ambivalence, benevolence and universal welfare are the values in Shaivism and their attainment through perseverance is to be emphasized B: Based on three existential principles consisting of Pati (Lord Shiva as the supreme soul), Pashu (individual soul which is dormant divine), and Pasha (Earthly or worldly bondages) which at times is called Shaiv Sidhanta C: Cosmic dancer who created an eternal rhythm in the Universe which is viewed as aesthetics of existence in birth, life and death D: Diversity of scho...


  SHIVA HAIKU Shiva is union Of creation and destruction - Instant, spontaneous ~*~ Be detached-creative Be the medium, be ego-free Be Shiva - good doer ~*~ Live as witness - As pure consciousness medium - Live-n-die moment-wise ~*~ Egoistic doer Creates bondage leading to strife Do-n-dedicate acts! ~*~ Live a rhythmic life - Timeless creation-recreation - Get lost in the rhythm ~*~ Live like energy - Pulsating creative spirit - Just create and transcend      

Quotes and haiku on gratitude

  Gratitude Quotes Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. -  Melody Beattie Gratitude turns what we have into enough. -   Unknown Every minute of every hour of every day you are making the world, just as you are making yourself, and you might as well do it with generosity and kindness and style. -  Rebecca Solnit Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. -  Oprah Winfrey   Gratitude Haiku Hone gratitude worth For your birth as human soul With serf-awareness might *** Be grateful to God Practice gratitude to hone it Live with thankfulness *** Live gratefulness To attain deep sense of ‘being’ Become not! Just be!

Metaphysical Infinity: Haiku and Word Cloud

 Haiku on metaphysical infinity   Be a null-tangent For sensing infinity True value of life! *** Nous infinity To shock your mean and vain mind To shed arrogance *** Sense infinite whole – Immensity ‘That Is’  - Truth is infinite *** Waste not your life Find infinite consciousness That will unbound you Word Cloud on Infinity  

5 S’s of spirituality and a word cloud

  5 S’s OF SPIRITUALITY S1: Subjective, personalized, inner   and innate potentials in focus as self-awareness  S2: Strategies of self-learning, self-development, self-help and self-care skills developed S3: Study area of non-physical and existential truth for finding meaning and purpose of life as a part of para-psychology, humanism and higher conscious levels S4: Self-knowing for making a shift towards self-actualization and self-realisation for soulful life S5: Striving for deconditioning from worldly life and transcendence to an unconditional blissful life as an aim  of existence Word Cloud  

Digital addiction: Quotes, haiku and word cloud

QUOTES ON ADDICTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA We are living in an attention economy and social media is addictive by design. – Tristan Harris Social media is more addictive than cigarettes and alcohol. – Gary Vaynerchuk Social media has become the crack cocaine of the digital world. – Simon Mainwaring Social media addiction is like a drug, it’s hard to put down. – Jaron Lanier Social media addiction is not a choice, it’s a compulsion. – Adam Alter Social media addiction is similar to any other addiction, it requires awareness and self-control. – Cal Newport Social media addiction can lead to (fatal) depression and anxiety. – Johann Hari Haiku Digital craving! That's the current deadly sin - Soul killing offence! *** Screens are toxic They destroy body, mind, soul  Limit your screen time Word cloud on digital addiction

Word Cloud: Definition and Haiku

Definition  A word cloud is a visual representation of word-data or text-data depicted as a word-cluster in different sizes and orientations either electronically or in writing on paper. Practice in making of word-clouds improves communication skill as well as verbal-visual intelligence Haiku Read and know keywords Visually display  keywords By creating word cloud *** Hand-created word clouds Enhance your vocabulary Improve handwriting *** Read, preview text Listen keenly discourses For real time word clouds   t

Making sense of mysticism: Quotes and haiku

  According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the meaning of mysticism is 'The experience of mystical union or direct communion with ultimate reality reported by mystics.'  While the Cambridge Dictionary describes mysticism as 'The belief that there is hidden meaning in life or that each human being can unite with God.'  According to the Oxford English Dictionary, 'mysticism is the belief that one can unite with God through contemplation and self-surrender. It can also refer to the belief that one can gain spiritual knowledge through intuition or insight.'   QUOTES. The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. ~Albert Einstein  A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and...

Enhance and peak spiritual awareness to experience bliss: Message of World Human Spirit Day

Today, on the 17th February, the World Human Spirit Day is being observed to promote and encourage self-reflection, mindfulness, soulfulness and inner-peace. by forging connection with the human spirit. It is believed that one can purify mind by honing self-reflection, contemplation and meditation to attain higher levels of consciousness and eventually soulfulness or self-realization. The special day was established  by the Western philosopher Michael Levy in 2003 to emphasize the importance of development of self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-actualization and and self-realisation. He had once said, "Have you ever thought about doing something then forgot all about it and it never got done? Well, when many folks get to the end of their lives they will say, if only I would have lived a more joyful life but I forgot the reason I was put on earth... Don’t become one of them." Here are some of the famous quotes of Michael Levy. A person cannot tell the truth, if they don't...

Gupti spiritual tradition: The way to protect the purity of soul

In many spiritual traditions of the East – prominently, Vedic and Jain traditions – ‘Gupti Tenet’ is seen as the way to true spiritual growth.  As a spiritual tradition, Gupti is viewed as a total restraint on   speech, body and mind to provide a protective cover to the self and keep the purity of soul intact or un-soiled by the worldly onslaught of murk. GUPTI HAIKU True spiritualists – Quietly guard soul’s purity Through total self-restraint  *** Gupti – concealed path – That’s a subjective life path - Own personal path  *** True spiritualists – Practice total speech restraint With deep mindfulness  *** True spiritualist – An astute who walks alone To be with Unknown

Needed is a robust convergence model of regular, online and open & distance learning modes (ODL) of education: Focus of two-day seminar at Kurukshetra

  A two-day national seminar on 'Convergence of Regular, Online and ODL Mode and Technology Integration in Higher Education' is being organised at Kurukshetra University on March 6-7, 2025, to emphasise the integration of fast changing technology across all kinds learning modes. According to the concept note of the seminar, since the NEP-2020 clearly brings out the the expectations and challenges of education in the scenario of rapid technological advancements which are opening up a world of new opportunities for the hybrid and blended models of education that requires integration of the regular, on-line and ODL modes of learning to maximise the learning outcomes of students. There is need of an appropriate model of convergence of the three modes of learning both for academic and skill education. It is hoped the outcome of the seminar will be transformed into a proposal for a robust convergence model of education for the present era of digital technology to make learning li...