Ring in New Year Day auspiciously with a peace prayer facing rising Sun
According to Vedic traditions, one must ring in New Year Day auspiciously with a peace prayer facing rising Sun to wish well all sentient beings. It has suggested that the New Year Day should be heralded as the sun rises with folded hands with a prayer for divine blessings for peace and prosperity for the humanity. The five-line prayer is to be said with folded hands while facing the rising sun has been given in Roman below and its five-phrase Sanskrit version is given in the inset visual. PRAYER 1. OM SARVE BHAVANTU SUKHINAH 2. SARVE SANTU NIRAMAYAH | 3. SARVE BHADRANNI PASHYANTU 4. MAA KASHCID-DUHKHA-BHAAG-BHAVET 5. OM SHANTIH SHANTIH SHANTIH || Meaning of the prayer 1: Om, May all sentient beings be Happy, 2: May all be free from illness. 3: May all see what is auspicious, 4: May no one suffer. 5: Om Peace, Peace, Peace!