School Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) with Micro-Credential Skilling Modules and sketch note on ESD
The following paper was accepted for a conference held for a national conference held at kurukshetra university, Kurukshetra in early October, 2024.
School Education
for Sustainable Development with Micro-Credential Skilling Modules as Urged by
National Education Policy-2020: Case of skilling Module Designing on Food
Preservation for Grade Six Students
Lalit Kishore* and Subhash Chauhan**
Scholar, Som Gurukul, Kurukshetra
Som Gurukul, Kurukshetra
The Framework of United
Nation's Agenda-2030 for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - Goal 4
of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - prioritizes entrepreneurship,
employment, and innovation as key policy direction towards inclusive, equitable
and employability-oriented sustainable education. Thus, the global objective is
to integrate ESD with economic, technological and social advancements of member
nations. In tune with the UN's SDGs-2030 agenda, the National Education Policy
(NEP)-2020 has stressed the imperative of the enhancement of employability,
transitioning unskilled workers into formal employment with certification,
skilling for emergent jobs and self-employment. For the integration of
vocational education programmes into mainstream education in all educational
institutions, both the University Grant Commission (UGC) and the Central Board
of Secondary Education (CBSE) are encouraging the institutions to design the
credit point skilling courses in this regard. The CBSE has urged schools to
design short skilling modules of 12 hours in one or other of 33 listed skills
from grade six onwards and implement them from the ensuing academic session.
The paper will describe the challenge of curriculum development process of
designing skilling module at grade six in food preservation (skill code 922) as
a school initiative. Four topics of one-hour duration each were identified by
three stakeholders (EVS teacher, community member, curriculum expert) such as:
concept of food preservation; food security and sustainability; drying as food
preservation technique, bottling of dry food along with 8-hour practical
skilling work in producing dry food in the school bio-lab. A 16-page
micro-credential module as a learning package was created and validated by
three educators as mark-1 module at grade six to be refined after its
implementation in ensuing session. Conclusion is that the institutional
readiness is essential condition for innovative work to establish its own
Keywords: Credit score, ESD, equitable education,
National Education Policy-2020, SDG-4, skilling module,
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