A sketchnote on spirituality and its 4Ss


A sketchnote on spirituality and its 4Ss

~Lalit Kishore

 Here is a sketch note on spirituality that shows various dimensions of the concept.  Often, a sketchnote is a visual notetaking, is the process through record their thoughts with the use of symbols, visuals,  and texts. Researchers use sketchnotes to summarize their understanding after reading a few published works of others to have a clear vision of a concept.

Figure: Sketchnote on the concept of spirituality

4Ss of spirituality

S1: Synthesis of heart, mind and soul through purification of mind and feelings to ‘be’ rather than to ‘become’ something

S2: Self-realization as goal of life by transcending physical-sensual world of gross materialism

S3: Searching deep within with ethical, inclusive and equitable choices by emphasising cosmic connectedness

S4: Sanctification of self  by riding mental evils, gross and mundane worldly experiences of the physical-sensual world for rising to heightened states of consciousness as detached witness


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