The notion of Spirituality: Different Points of View
The Notion of Spirituality: Different Points of View
There is no one accepted definition of spirituality, however, as a notion it has been conceptualized differently by different researchers and educators. One thing is common that it is non-physical and non-material aspect of human existence and related to philosophising life to be lived by higher human values leading to self-realisation
The following table show a list of phrases that try to describe the notion of spirituality.
Table: Phrases describing various notions on spirituality as self-actualization or self-on0self action
Researcher/ advocate/ educator |
Phrase used to describe the notion of
spirituality |
Ellison (1983)
Humanity’s on-going search for meaning and purpose embodied in a super-rational being or a force greater than the self |
Beazley (1997) |
Spirituality consists of a faith relationship with a transcendent power that lies beyond and is independent of the material universe. |
Mitroff and Denton (1999) |
One’s effort to live an integrated, rather than compartmentalized, existence |
Cacioppe (2000) |
Discovery of a meaning, a value, or a purpose for one’s life and work.. |
Mayes (2001) |
Pursuit of a trans-personal and trans-temporal reality that serves as the ontological ground for an ethic of compassion and service |
Tisdell (2001) |
Concerned about individual belief in and experience of a higher power or purpose that reaches beyond our own limited existence. |
Fullan (2002) |
Involves identifying a moral purpose for our lives that will connect principled behavior to something that is greater than we are. |
Stiernberg, 2003 |
Spirituality encompasses such things as a recognition of the presence of a transcendent purpose or being; an awareness of the self as more than material; and an appreciation of the impact of the self on the lives and well being of others |
Houston and Sokolow (2006) |
Requires concerted effort to go outside of the limited self to locate that part of the human being that is more than material and that once found provides a connection to the infinite. |
Beazley, H. (1997). Meaning and measurement of spirituality in organizational Settings: Development of a Spirituality Assessment Scale. Doctoral dissertation, George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Mitroff, I. E., & Denton, E. A. (1999). A study of spirituality in the workplace. Sloan Management Review, 40(4), 83-92
Stiernberg, P. W. (2003). The relationship between spirituality and leadership practices of female administrators in K-12 schools. Doctoral dissertation, Baylor University, Waco, TX.
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