REALI(SE) Acronym: 5 aspects of spirituality
In spirituality, humans are seen as realising beings beyond thinking, feeling and doing individual beings. In other words, humans are basically embodied spiritual beings and they have to seek and strive to realise this Truth as real purpose of life.
R: Real is the one that is eternal and infinite (spaceless, form-less, unphysical), timeless (unborn, self-manifest, was-is-and will be, all-pervading) Absolute One – Supreme Soul
E: Eternity of soul is meant to be realised that is beyond body-mind-senses combine - it is revealed
A: Ask questions about your and world’s existence; birth-n-death; transient world and life; conditioning by world to evils of mind, purpose of perishable life
L: Learning all the time with humility and equanimity deeming final Truth will always remain in the Unknown
I: Ignorance eradication by looking at the illusions, myths, dualities, desires, gratifications as distortions created by the world and strive for a state of pure awareness or being
SE: (Se)lflessness, no-mind state, purity of mind or soulfulness leads to enlightenment, self-realisation or salvation
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