Quotes on conditioning and inspired haiku on unconditioned self

 Quotes on conditioning and inspired haiku on unconditioned self


  • One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them. ~Aldous Huxley
  • Conditioning limits the range in which you can express your true sensuality. ~ Lebo Grand
  • “Finding yourself" is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you.” ~ Emily McDowell
  • Our conscious and unconscious responses to all the challenges of our environment - intellectual, emotional, outward and inward - all these are the action of conditioning. Language is conditioning; all thought is the action, the response of conditioning. ~J Krishnamurti



When evils're undone

When mind is unconditioned

You behold Divine


Necessary’s undoing

Of conditioned intellect -

World-forced cognition


When unconditioned -

When mind is pure awareness

Truth reveals itself


Purify yourself

That is pre-condition to

Manifest real self


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