Materialistic worldly life: Quotes and inspired haiku

 Materialistic worldly life: Quotes and inspired haiku


  •  It is the preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly. ~ Bertrand Russell
  •  Employers pay with their money for what employees have paid for with portions of their lives. ~@Mokokoma Mokhonoana
  •  Economy that rewards selfishness, is but a glorified criminal offense. ~ Abhijit Naskar,
  •  Needs multiply as they are met. Woe to the man who would live a disentangled life. Be on guard, my soul, of complicating your environment so that you have neither time nor room for growth!  ~Elisabeth Elliot


We are, in fact, souls -

We're dormant embodied souls

That is reality


Humans forget Truth

They yield to body and mind

To get conditioned


We're trained, skilled

To make a living to feed



We live and vanish

As mere field dependent beings

Unaware of Truth



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