Kishore’s Article Picked Up by Dance Day Official Website:International Dance Day Being Observed on April 29


Today, on April 29, the International Dance Day is being celebrated to highlight the purpose of dance as an expressive art form performed through rhythmic and flowing movements of the body and its limbs.  

Dance is said to be a part of age-old ceremonies, rituals, celebrations and entertainment right from the earliest human civilizations.  Also, during ancient times dance was used as a precursor to ecstatic trance states in healing rituals which still continue.

Here is my acrostic on DANCE which was picked up from merinews,com n 2019 by the dance day official website

D: Depictive and rhythmic body movement

A: Art form as

N: Non-verbal

C: Communication to

E: Express emotions, ideas or a story in performance setting

 According the CBSE’s document ‘Guidelines for Art Integrated Learning’, the schools must use the cross-curricular approach to provide meaningful experiential learning by collaborating various art forms including dance to teach the subject matter for both cognitive and non-cognitive gains.



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