‘It is right move to involve girls into technology literacy from early grades’

 “It is right move to involve girls into technology literacy from early grades," said the educator-researcher Dr Lalit Kishore whose paper  “Catch Them Young: Attracting Girls to Technology’ of Dr Kishore was accepted for GASAT 9 Conference held in Ghana in 1999. 

In the paper, Dr Inshore argued that girls should be introduced to low-technology experiences in primary grades itself and cooperative learning strategies should be used for teaching science and technology integrated modules.  

Low-technology experience with min-tools, material science based craft activities and of dynamic folk toys can be helpful in primary grades since this will  make girls become confident and involved learners in technology literacy as they move into primary school and beyond.

 Technology literacy provides girls to to share views and contributes to promoting their inclusion and participation in the learning process



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