ABCs of Spiritual Intelligence:

 ABCs of Spiritual Intelligence:


A: Adaptive application of the non-material and transcendent aspects of one's existence, leading to such outcomes as deep existential reflection, enhancement of meaning, recognition of a transcendent self, and mastery of spiritual states. (King and Teresa 2009)

B:Basing personal and work life on 12 principles as Self-awareness; Spontaneity; Being vision and value-led; Holism; Compassion; Celebration of diversity; Field independence; Humility: Tendency to ask fundamental "Why?" questions; Ability to reframe; Positive use of adversity; Sense of vocation (Danah Zohar, 2000)

C:Composed of five innate potentials as transcendence of the physical and material; experiencing higher states of consciousness; sanctification of everyday experiences; utilization of spiritual resources to solve problems; living a virtuous life (Emmons, 2000)


Emmons, Robert A. (January 2000). Is Spirituality an Intelligence? Motivation, Cognition, and the Psychology of Ultimate Concern. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 10 (1): 3–26. doi:10.1207/S15327582IJPR1001_2. S2CID 144345547.

King, David B.; DeCicco, Teresa L. (2009). "A Viable Model and Self-Report Measure of Spiritual Intelligence". International Journal of Transpersonal Studies. 28 (1): 68–85. doi:10.24972/ijts.2009.28.1.68.

Zohar, D. (2009).  SQ: Connecting with Our Spiritual Intelligence, London: Bloomsbury, ISBN 1-58234-044-7


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