5S Mantra for realising one's true self or existential truth
5S Mantra for realising one's true self or existential truth
S1: Self-observation or mindfulness with focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing, thinking and feeling in the moment without being reactive or judgemental
S2: Self-reflection by fostering innate the ability to witness and evaluate own cognitive (higher order thinking), emotional, (feeling and senses and behavioural (doing, acting) processes to attain spontaneity in reflective-awareness and reflective consciousness to keep yourself on correct path
S3: Self-learning and self-discovery of knowing innate immense potentials and practicing those to hone insightfulness, revelation or intuitiveness by challenging oneself to explore new things and possibilities - ability to stay ever new
S4: Self-actualization or pro-action and selfless action after acquiring high degree of ability and being spontaneous in it as one's second nature
S5: Self-realisation or recognition of divinity within or realizing one's non-physical true self and getting a feel of existential Truth
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