Work integrated learning in educational institutions via action research

 Work integrated learning in educational institutions via action research

A lesson study as a component of action research promotes and develops teachers' professional skills and enables them to work professionally in project mode to construct knowledge themselves through hands on experiences. With emergent needs due to fast changing technology and diversity of learners, educational institutions must get into action-learning mode by integrating the professional work of their staff to new challenges.

If the institutional leadership and management puts stake in action learning strategy for continuous development, it turns the institution into a dynamic mode and emerges as a learning organization through micro action learning projects. Participatory action research and micro-project trials of designed intervention have the capability of turing the work-place functionaries into pathfinders and problem solvers.

If action research and lesson studies are integrated in educational institutions, then functionaries acquire critical and creative thinking as the cutting-edge skill to live up to their role as path breakers and creators of excellence or quality.

Intervention cum action research is work-integrated learning and curricular experiential education of practitioners at the work-place itself that continually builds the professional skills and knowledge through hands on experiences, building confidence and ability to work in project mode to acquire management capabilities both at the classroom and institutional levels.


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