Use alap style rendering of micro and mini poems to make classroom linked with musical intelligence

Use alap style rendering of micro and mini poems to make classroom linked with musical intelligence, says linguist and musician  TP Singh

"For non-music use of music in the form of alap practice through six-word poem rendering gives it the touch of classical performance. Alap practice with improvisation is quite capable of developing long term memory of keywords or vocabulary of topic learning by kids," said Ambala based linguist and musician TP Singh adding that such practice with the words of any text develops musical intelligence and leads to voice clarity of practitioners through improvisations.

He informed for that the micro-poems with textual words and phrases as alap rendering should be done schematically through 'vistar' technique by making rendering possible through fluid rhythms by combining words and repetition of words or creating language patterns.

He endorsed the use of six-word poems, haiku, mini non-poems and adapted cinquain through of Alap improvisations as classroom unaccompanied rendering to learn textual material both in Hindi and English.

There is a need to create few triangulated research lessons and do lesson studies to demonstrate the feasibility of such a trans-disciplinary effort. It would be an innovation to link alap as a tool to develop musical intelligence along with cognitive and non-cognitive gains through academics.


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