Staying Relevant through curiosity driven trans-disciplinary research: Quote and 3-I Mantra

 Staying Relevant through curiosity driven trans-disciplinary research: Quote and 3-I Mantra


Transdisciplinary research is responsive to public needs. Methodologically, transdisciplinary research follows responsive or iterative methodologies, requires innovation, creativity, and flexibility, and often employs participatory research design strategies. Transdisciplinarity has the potential to greatly enhance public scholarship. Transdisciplinarity is an approach to conducting research. Transdisciplinarity research practices are issue or problem centred, and prioritize the problem at the centre of research over disciplines- specifics concerns, theories, or methods

~ Japee, G. P. (n.d.). Transdisciplinary Research - A Paradigm Shift in Research EcoSystem. Journal of Xi' an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition.

3-I Mantra

I-1: Integrating and synthesising knowledge and researching to manage emergent situations and contexts for catching up to manage the unknowns

I-2: Identification of knowledge from different disciplines to contextualising it to emergent needs for improvement and validating it as responsive research

1.3: Inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary approaches to knowledge construction to improve situation and benefit beneficiaries



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