Revival of limericks with improvisation as spoken word poetry

 Revival of limericks with improvisation as spoken word poetry

Limerick has had a well-established hip-hop scene long before the rise of rap and other word art forms with musicality in toe> However, limericks continue to the intellectual hip-hop with elements of satire on social and political issues related to treatment to the poor and deprived people. With rising popularity of rap, different kinds of rap styles are evolving in different languages of the world. 

Of late social activists have used rapping to voice caplistic and political oppression through bouncers, police brutality, hypocrisy of the corporate sector and rich people, racial oppression, inequity, exclusion, gangsterism, drug abuse, tech addiction etc.

Some teachers have tried teaching of math and science concepts through content-based rap lyrics by involving students in writing lyrics and presenting them through rap aw spoken word style.

Some intellectuals have start telling their thoughts and views on social and political issues through a series of limericks with improvisation and modification keeping rhyming rule intact in five lines

Preacher Limerick by Lalit Kishore

There was a preacher, I don't wish to mame

He got wealth, fame, and began to play bad game


He objectified and used women 

He got caught in thick of sin


Victims got him booked, he was framed

 Political Limerick by Shashi Tharoor [1]

There once was a CM of Delhi

Who stretched from his head to his belly;


The onscreen reticulation

Revealed his pandiculation


So BJP frothed & quivered like jelly!




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