Significance of big books in development of toddlers and pre-primary children

The process of big book reading to small kids besides improving their sight vocabulary, also make children attentive and develops them as individuals with enhanced self-concept. Further, children gain visual-literacy along with language-literacy through organized interaction with big books which are culturally contextual. 

According to (2023) for teachers the big books work as a rich source of activities that promote reading and meet curriculum objectives such as activating prior knowledge, modelling the thinking process, meaninfulful self-talk, tracking print, and encouraging prediction skills besides the linguistic and creative activities. It has been observed that the proper use of big books promotes a stronger self-discipline, longer attention span, and better memory of small children' ( Benefits & Importance of Reading to Children, Children's Bureau of Southern California, 

Big book joint reading with a teacher or care giver to small kids besides improving sight vocabulary, also make children attentive and individuals with enhanced self-concept. Children gain visual literacy along with language-literacy. Tonoto Foundation (2020) holds as follows

Books chosen for joint reading activities should be large in size, with stories that are interesting enough to keep students reading them over and over again, and contain repeated phrases and sentences, rhyming words as well as images which support the story. Such books will help encourage confidence in students in developing their language skills.A joint reading activity typically begins with the teacher introducing the book that will be collectively read to the class. During this activity, students are encouraged to use their knowledge and experience in discussing the contents of the book. The activity should last about 30 minutes, which is enough time for the teacher to guide and hold discussions with the students. (13 March 2020, The Benefits of Big Books and Joint Reading, 

In India, 'The Room to Read' (, n. d.) is a library programme meant to enable primary school children from grades 1 to 5 to become independent readers by creating print-rich child-friendly learning environment that develops curiosity and encourages a child to read and develop a habit of reading that fosters children to become lifelong learners. (

Many publishing companies have big board books for early learning years for babies in age group 2 to 4 years as 'First Library of Learning' as set of 10 odd books with beautiful bright images with little text of font size from 36-72 size as part of home and classroom library to 'foster a habit of reading' which 'equip toddlers and preschoolers with essential reading, language, visual, motor and imagination skills.' (Penguin India,


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