Deep practice self-reflection and meditation for ‘spanda’ state of consciousness this Shavratri: Quote and Haiku

Deep practice self-reflection and meditation for ‘spanda’ state of consciousness this Shavratri: Quote and Haiku


This stirring of Self-awareness (Spiritual stirring) is ‘spanda’ (Cosmic energy). It makes Absolute Consciousness vibrant and expansive, and it is this activity that is the basic source of all creative manifestation. Everything that exists, sentient and insentient, is a result of this stirring of spanda
~B. N. Pandit in 'Specific Principles of Kashmir Shaivism'


Seek Truth of your life -

Existential reality –

Be self-reflective


Seek, strive, deep practice

Self reflection, ‘n meditate

To rouse inner-self


Persevere, deep learn  

Rise to higher consciousness -

The intuitive state


Self-reflect on-n-on

To stir you self-awareness

In tune with reality



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