Haiku on Tenets of Arya Samaj: Remembering Swami Dayananda Saraswati on his 200th birth anniversary
~Lalit Kishore

In India, on February 12, 2024, the 200th birth anniversary of Swami Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883) is being commemorated. He was a great Vedic philosopher, thinker, social reformer and founder of the Arya Samaj.

As we remember him on his birth anniversary, let us revisit the basic tenets of Arya Samaj through the following haiku.


Faith in the Vedas

As scriptures of life's truth

Is humans' Dharma


Know Veda-tenets

Read, recite, hear vedas

To learn and live by


God is existent -

Omniscient and immanent -

To be prayed, worshiped


Ego and doership

They are ignorance, darkness

Dispel your darness


Formless Holy God -

The real cause of true knowledge,

Learning potential


Do good to all beings

Guided by love and righteousness

Live simple, care for all


Just, fair social life

With soulfulness is the aim

That is our Dharma




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