Emergent mass media landscapes implicate institutions and families to get media literate and wise, suggests research

 Kishore’s paper related to emergent mass media
landscapes and its implication for institutions
and families to get media literate and wise
accepted for national conference

~Lalit Kishore

While thanking the Jaipur based educator and researcher Dr Lalit Kishore for submitting the paper entitled “Are we heading towards risk and sick society!: Content analysis of four critical studies on digitisation and dissemination of information,” and conveying its acceptance after a peer review for presentation in the NCMLS’24, the organizers of conference wrote, "The paper is good in the present context of information disorder which is inflicted by misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and so on, due to this prevailing discourse on digitisation and dissemination of Information. The presentation of the author is quite appreciable."

The one-day National Conference on Changing Media Landscapes and Society (NCMLS) is going to be held at the Department of Mass Communication, Manipur University, Manipur on 20th of March, 2024.


Of late, quite a few critical studies on aggressive digitization of information - more in visual formats - and its dissemination through social media platforms has become a crass commercial, materialistic and cut-throat competitive activity,  which was adversely affecting socialization, education and lifestyle. The content analysis of such studies (N=4: Period: 2020-2024) was done. The papers were read, re-read and content analysed (Duration: 35 hours in seven days). The content analysis was done by identifying adjective phrases describing the negative use and effects of digital media. The content analysis resulted into an ABC poem as a part of creative-critical reflection as follows: A: Age of non-thinking aggressive media-addicted couch potatoes has set in due to ever advancing and quick changes of digital technology / B: Back burner status to critical cultural pedagogy that strongly opposed trivialization of education through mass media that fragmented, opinionated and cogitative dysfunctional education / C: Crass and reductive digital culture, though lased attractive and absorbing digital media content, because of its commercial nature has adverse effects on socialization. The two main implications of the study are that: (i) institutions and families must develop their own contextualized short term media and information literacy courses to enable the family members and institutional functionaries to use the digital media as one of many learning aids to reduce the screen time; and (ii) content-analysis be taught as higher order thinking skill at the senior school level.

Keywords: Content analysis, higher order thinking skills, information literacy, media literacy, social isolation, cognitive loss


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