Improvised Bol-Taans and Bol-Alaaps can be vital tools for musicalised rendering of text adapted as short micro non-poems

 Improvised Bol-Taans and Bol-Alaaps can be vital tools for musicalised rendering of text adapted as short micro non-poems

~Lalit Kishore

As a teacher, if you wish to teach with musical intelligence and improve your own and students' voice quality and spoken language skills, then you can combine Roopkalaap or wordless alaap with improvised bol-alaap or bol-taan with phrasal poetic lyrics of a few word. By stretching or expanding sound of words, the bol-taan can be created. For pedagogical purpose, even a group of Swara like a unit with straightforward Aroh and Avroh, called Pure Taan, can be used since taans allow improvisation and experimentation with no specification of continuation or order of swaras, which is called ‘Koot Taan’.  

Also, initially 'Halak Taan, in which the tongue is twisted inside-out in order, can be used for voice clarity. Even the successive word-ending vowel expansions creates musicality. The non-music use of music with improvisation and experimentation are the keys to teach the content of any subject area. Simple bol-taan allows the short phrases to be musicalized as rapid spoken spelling of words in bol-taan-n-bol-alaap improvisations.

Here is an example of the use of bol-taan-n-bol-alaap improvisation for entry to teaching अ- vowel sound of Hindi through six-word micro poems.


1. कमर/ कस कर / हलधर श्रम कर 

2. सरल / नरम बन / नकल मत कर 

3. मटर / कटहल , अदरक / नर चख-कर चट-कर 

4. सतत / जतन-कर, सहन-कर  / समय नष्ट मत-कर 


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