Bhagavad Gita as Vedanta Philosophy Text: Inspired Haiku

~Lalit Kishore

The Bhagavad Gita is deemed as the foundational text of the school of Vedanta philosophy that propounds the ways to realise the Existential Truth and transcendental purpose of life as union of Embodied Soul with the Supreme Soul.


 Existential Truth -

The Eternal Absolute

Is beyond our mind


The physical world

The material-sensual world

Is mortal, unreal


Outer, appears real

'Coz of ignorance of Truth -

That we all are Souls


The Gita rejects

Material-sensual world being

False, deluding, dark


The Gita evokes -

Truth is transcendental -

Soulful, spiritual


Body, mind, senses -

They are transient, perishable

Truth's timeless-n-unborn


Dharma's soulfulness -

Realization through Yogas -

Jnana, Bhakti, Karma


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