True human dharma is to transcend tamas, rajas and sattva
states of mind: Haiku Inspired by Bhagavad Gita

~Lalit Kishore


World conditions us

To acquire three features –

Tamas, Rajas, Sattv


Tamas - darkness, gloom

That’s slavery to senses

Reckless chase of lust


Gross materialism –

Tamas path causes confusions

Dualities and strife


Rajas way of life –

Passion, pursuit of gains-n-fame

For wealth, opulence


Sattvic way of life

Simple and minimal life

Wise mindful life


Truth or Dharma is –

Non-physical, soulfulness

Beyond three Gunas


Transcend to state of

No-mind, soulful, being-state

For bliss, for Moksha

Own self-knowledge

And self-actualization

Are ways to Moksha




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